Fluconazole question

After reading a few success stories of people using fluconazole I decided to give it a try on my bubble algae, which is pretty bad.

I did an 8x dose of Reef Flux just over two weeks ago and haven't noticed much difference.

Anyone have experience with Reef Flux and any recommendations?

Large water change and dose again?
When I used it, it did nothing to for the bubble algae I had. I also don't remember reading any success stories with it and bubble algae. It did kick the snot out of the GHA though.

I believe Vibrant worked well on bubble algae, but don't quote me on it as I have never used it.
I haven't read every thread or comment out there, there is a lot, but not remembering any mention of it working on bubble algae either. Vibrant can, be careful with the dose, some have overdosed and it can be rough on corals.
Yeah it doesn't do anything for bubble algae, but it's great for bryopsis and gha

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In my case all the bubble algae lost its "grip" on everything and was just floating all around the tank where I could suck it right out..
It came back right after though..

I'm trying Vibrant now (1.5 weeks in.. no change yet)
I've had the best luck controlling bubble algae by having plenty of emerald crabs and just manually removing or popping what I can. Obviously you want to try to not pop them, but if you have emeralds they'll eat anything new that starts to pop up

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I tried fluc for GHA didn’t do much but my tank broke out with dinoflagellates which I have never had in 15 years of reefing. Have a new bottle of 30 if anyone wants to try. I just keep looking for any way to beat GHA any new winners please let me know. Thanks Bubba
After trying everything else, I ended up using Vibrant for my BA as well. It took about 4-6 weeks of dosing 1.5-2x the suggested dose, but all of a sudden I noticed that the BA just was not growing like it had. It's now been almost a year and I haven't seen a sign of it. I try to remember to dose a 1x dose every couple weeks "justincase"