FMAS Frag Swap Meet Sponsored by Eco Reef Aquarium


Premium Member
I am pleased to announce that Florida Marine Aquarium Society is having Our FMAS Frag Swap Meet Sponsored by Eco Reef Aquarium (2740 E Atlantic Blvd, Pompano Beach, FL) at the Old Davie School (6650 Griffin Road, Davie, FL) on February 11th from noon to 5pm. At this event you may buy, sell, and/or trade livestock and equipment. The cost of admission is $15. With this fee you will receive a FMAS club membership for the rest of 2007. If you are a member of another aquarium society you will be given a 50% admission discount with your club card. Tables to buy, sell and/or trade are available free to club members at the Old Davie School but you must email Matt Tindall ( ahead of time to reserve. Table sponsorships are available for $75. This sponsorship entitles you to advertise and/or sell from your table as you wish. Table sponsors may placec a sign or banner on their table. If you are interested in being a table sponsor you may contact Matt Tindall. Please feel free to post any questions you have here as well as frags you plan to bring. We hope to see you all on February 11th!


Swap Meet RULES

1. Signs, business names, and advertising are not allowed at the FMAS Frag Swap Meet, including tables, unless you are a paid sponsor.
2. You may not impede travel in front or to the sides of your table.
3. Electricity is available. You need to bring all cords that you may need and notify the committee prior to the show.
4. Holding tanks are allowed. You need to bring all needed equipment.
5. 50% admission discount to members of other aquarium clubs.
6. All paid club members may have a free table. Advertising will not be allowed at “free’ tables.
7. Minimum floor space next to your table can be accommodated as long as we have prior notice.
8. All tables need to be reserved prior to meet.
9. All decisions by the show committee are final.
Wait, you pay $15 to get in and get the years membership in FMAS -OR- you join FMAS for 2007 and get in to the frag swap free? Which is it?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8701064#post8701064 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ninjamini
Wait, you pay $15 to get in and get the years membership in FMAS -OR- you join FMAS for 2007 and get in to the frag swap free? Which is it?
It is my understanding that if you have not join the club, the money you pay to enter the frag swap will be credit against the membership fee for 2007.
I guess you could look at it which ever way and it is a win win for everyone
either way it sounds good for me... also, i havent gotten any membership stuff in the mail other than the newsletter... am i supposed to? i joined at the last big frag swap we had...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8701196#post8701196 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by r00onmac
either way it sounds good for me... also, i havent gotten any membership stuff in the mail other than the newsletter... am i supposed to? i joined at the last big frag swap we had...

Your club card can be picked up with Michelle at the Holiday Party. Almost all club correspondence is made by email to the club members. The newsletter is the only piece of snail mail the club does that I am aware of.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8701064#post8701064 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ninjamini
Wait, you pay $15 to get in and get the years membership in FMAS -OR- you join FMAS for 2007 and get in to the frag swap free? Which is it?

The $15 gets you in the door and you get your FMAS membership free. Keep this a secret...if you would like (just for you) we will let you join the club for $15 and get in the door free. ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8701514#post8701514 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisaggie
...Keep this a secret...if you would like (just for you) we will let you join the club for $15 and get in the door free. ;)

Since no one else has, I thought I would post a few frags I plan to bring.

1) ORA Purple Pillow
2) Blue Slimer (uncommon)
3) Green Slimer
4) Yellow Encrusting Xenia (rare, originated with me, has no stalks, grows like GSP)
5) Blue tip stag
6) Idaho grape gap
7) Purple rim cap
All memberships expire at the end of December. January 1st no one is officially a member until they renew for 2007 unless they are a past or current President or unless you have been awarded with a lifetime membership.In the past 50 years about 20 have been given lifetime memberships and half of them have past on to the big aquarium in the sky.I'll try to get a list of the people who have been awarded lifetime memberships but off the top of my head Martin Moe, Julian Sprung , Jeff Turner, are some that come to mind for exemplary volunteer work,donations,contributions to the hobby globally as well as locally or all the above.
Same thing as last year where members can bring their spouse for free, or does the spouse have to pay the $15 entrance/membership fee as well?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8726277#post8726277 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jon770
Same thing as last year where members can bring their spouse for free, or does the spouse have to pay the $15 entrance/membership fee as well?

If you would like to bring a family member you will need a family membership. A family membership is $20 where as an individual membership is $15.
sweet looks like i'll be attending this and becoming a member. Hopefully i will have picked out a tank and have it all setup and wait for livestock by then.