For those dosing prodibio bioptim and biodigest


New member
What other products are you dosing whether it be prodibio, zeo, brightwell, fuana marine etc.?

I am just starting to dose these 2 products after i have been using brightwell AA's and Koralkolar for a little over a month with some success in achieving brighter colors.

Thanks for any input.
Other then Biodigest and Biooptim I use Reefbooster. I wouldnt run the first two with Reefbooster. They really will clean up your tank, but Reefbooster help keep your tank from becoming "too clean". I dose it once a week and it has worked out great for me.
Do you guys follow the directions when it comes to dosing the biodigest and the bioptim and does it ever 15 days or do you dose more or less then that?

and Doesnt anyone use other things besides reef booster? I was thinking of usings fuana marine ultra organic and some zeo stuff like sponge power and maybe pohols coral snow.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13844016#post13844016 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bridun22ajl
Do you guys follow the directions when it comes to dosing the biodigest and the bioptim and does it ever 15 days or do you dose more or less then that?

and Doesnt anyone use other things besides reef booster? I was thinking of usings fuana marine ultra organic and some zeo stuff like sponge power and maybe pohols coral snow.

I follow the directions when dosing all Prodibio products. Bacteria is pretty powerful stuff so over dosing could be fatal.

What don't you like about Reefbooster?

I find it works great. Plus, it only cost me $36 for an 8 Month supply of it.

You really cant go wrong.
What if you are dosing Vodka? I dose Bio-Digest but have always thought the Vodka gave the necessary "fuel" for the bacteria in Bio-Digest. What do you think?
its not that i dont like reefbooster...i have never used it. I was just considering using something a little more powerful to feed the corals.

Do you know what is in reefbooster?
and do you know whati s in fuana marines ultra organic?
I could only find online retail store that had Fauna Marin Ultra Organic for sale. There was no ingredient list nor dosing instructions.

Info from their respective websites:


REEF BOOSTER contains very high concentrations of the polyunsaturated fatty acid groups which all marine organisms need. A few drops in the food of marine fish make it more appetizing - an effective solution when starting to feed difficult or recently imported fish.


Phospholipids, Aminosäuren, meerestypische Fettsäuren, Vitamin, Carotenoide.
Phospholipids, amino acids, omega-3 marine fatty acids, vitamins, carotenoids...

Fauna Marin Ultra Organic:

ULTRA Organic describes a new path towards a much more beautiful reef tank through steady progress in our product line development. Combined with UltraMin/S and the specifically aligned receips our nutrient system is double-acting and your corals will be supplied with all necessary organic nutrients and organically-bound trace elements for the maximazation of growth, coloration, and polyp extensions. Your corals won’t lack anything.
Sunny what do you mean by reefbooster "cleaning up your tank"?

Do you mean algae and the like? I wouldent mind trying this if such a supply lasts that long at that price.

Where do you get it and how / when do you dose?
You can get the Reefbooster from Marine depot or So Cal Tropical... Heres what Ive been dosing with no ill effects...

Bioptim and Biodigest, together once a week for 6 weeks.
On the 7th week, add the reefbooster. Continue the reefbooster every week but bump the optim and digest down to everyother week. I also dose vodka the days that I DONT dose the Prodibio.

I also started dosing ZEOvits Xtra, sponge power and B-Balance. The description of the product sounded promising and So Cal Tropical had them 25% off so I figured why not??

I also dose Warner Marines aminos 2x a week...
ian, i see you have a 90g. thats what i have also with a 30 g sump but i think i have somewhere around 100g net. so i should dose the biodigest and then directly after that dose the bioptim? and just one vial of each? how many gallons can one vial do? just wondering.
I will chime in a little. I use BioDigest and BioTim once per week on my 265. I also dose 3ml of vodka per day except on Prodibio days. I use reefbooster sparingly at a third of the doseage. I also use Elos Amino acids along with Zeo's Sponge Power and Coral Vital. Works great for me.
I am pretty new in the probidio game. I started off with two vials of biodigest and one vial of bioptim three weeks ago. I am dosing every 14 days the same regimen; 2 vials of biodigest and 1 of bioptim. My system is a 180 gallon display and a 40 gallon sump' so lets call it 180 gallons of net water. I feed heavy on a daily basis.
If I was to try anything else, it might be the sponge power. I do not know why other people are using probidio, but I am using it as a nutrient aid as I really like to feed the tank.
Aquarium start up > - Rapid set-up for nitrification and biological balance. 1 ampoule per
60 litres

1 ampoule
for the filter
Nitrite surges
Adding fish. > - Adjustment of nitrification activity.
After bactericidal treatment > - After elimination of treatment products, to boost biological filtration.

Dirty aquarium
Proliferation of algae. > - Reduction of algae and cleaning by digestion of food, organic sludge and nitrate reduction.
1 ampoule
up to 1.000 litres
every 15 days

Red algae in sea water
> - To rebalance Nitrates /Phosphates ratios.
Inexplicable diseases > - Reduction of stress and pathogenic micro-organisms.
Regular maintenance > - To conserve and optimise ratios between the useful strains of bacteria.

Why all 15 days ?

BIO DIGEST is particularly efficient the 2 weeks that follow its application. Bacterial multiplication speeds, different according to strains, allow to preserve these optimal purification proportions 15 days. If one wants to accelerate the process of purification it is not necessary to overdose but to near utilizations. Each week for example.

Aquarium starting up :

1 ampoule per 60 litres + 1 ampoule for the filter.

Aquarium purifier :

1 ampoule up to 1.000 litres every 15 days.