For those dosing prodibio bioptim and biodigest

Prodibio Bioptim is a trace element supplement for marine aquarium. Prodibio Bioptim contains micro-nutrients, trace elements, amino acids and natural vitamins which enhance the activity of the good bacteria in your tank to improve the water quality of the aquarium. Prodibio Bioptim optimises the oxidation-reduction levels in your tank water and reduces infections and mycosis. This water treatment should be added to your tank following the manufacturer's guidelines.

1 ampoule for 200 liters every two weeks. Stir before use.
I guess I have started out slow because we really do not know the long tern effects of overdosing any supplement into our tanks. I trust the scientist and biologist who have patented their product. That is why I steer on the side of caution ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13849006#post13849006 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by acpoweradapter
When do you fit water changing into this regiment? Before you dose?

So which product would y'all reccomend to dose to a 30 gal tank with a 20 gal sump. I know about the prodibio nano but I can't find it sold without the strontium and iodine boost vials also. Would it be good to have those Anyway or is there another product I should know about?
Thanks for the help- David
my tank has been set up for over 2 years and i am starting dosing on monday, should i do it weekly and then slowly reduce to every 15 days?
Just ordered the BioClean kit from Marine Depot. It has 6 vials of BioDigest and 6 vials of BioOptum.

That should get me started and then I'll begin the ReefBooster at about 4 weeks out.

Should I continue feeding my corals and fish in my usual manner (fish 3x a day and corals at night)? Also, do I remove my Phosguard reactor now that I'll start the Prodibio? I was told this by someone recently....

What do you guys do?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13909282#post13909282 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
I have keep my PO4 reactor and my GAC reactor online during dosing.

So how are you monitoring if you "do" need to take them offline? Most test kits won't give very accurate readings at such "low" levels as delivered by Prodibio or other methods.

I don't want to bleach my corals or possibly kill them even... how do you know?
I just finished my 6th "dose" of Biodigest on Sat and Bioptim on Sun. I disconnected my PO4 reactor 4 weeks ago. At that time my PO4 was 0.02 via Hanna photometer. I have checked it every week since and my readings have been at 0.01. Just checked it tonight and still at 0.01. I feel I no longer need it and will not waste $$ on the media anymore. No need for it. :)

Next week I switch to alternating the digest and optim every other week and begin weekly doses of Reefbooster. My corals have lightened slightly over the past 6 weeks. I continue to run GAC and change it monthly. I also dose Zeo aminos on M-W-F and Zeo Coral Vitalizer daily. I feed my corals DT Oyster eggs once/wk and feed fish 1-2x/daily. This is basically my normal feeding regime. I didn't change anything when I began Prodi. I have also been dosing Zeo Phols xtra, K-balance and B-balance the whole time ( I was dosing the Zeo stuff for ~3 months so I didn't stop).

I am very happy with my results in my tank and am looking fwd to the long term improvments over the next 6 mos or so. FWII Prodi is a very slow process if dosed correctly with minimal risk of foul. This is why I went this route vs ZEO or other similar. HTH

BTW it was sooooo hard keeping myself from dosing the booster earlier :D but I did and could not be more pleased with my results thus far. Good luck.
just purchased Bio Clean and reefboosters, but im hearing a lote of confliction information on how to apply it. I have a 34 gallon Red Sea max, so my doses are much smaller than each ampoule, how do i know how much to use?

Also when the glass is broker will it spoil or can i save for next dose?? question applies to (reefbooster & Bio Clean system)

Also i read that your dkh must be below 8 in order to start dosing Bio Clean system, or it can burn your sps...

Can anyone shed some light on this before i start dosing??

My Params as of 12/8/08

Alk = 10.9
PH - 8.0-8.1
Calcium =450
Magnesium = 1450
Phosphates = 0ppm
Nitrates =10-20 ppm
Salinity =1.023-24 (based on calibration fluid at 35ppt.)
Orp = 119

im battling a brown and green algea (diatom bloom during photo periods) and i see some cyano making its way.

I have always had a problem with high N03, im trying the Matrix and denitrate at the moment and it seems to be slowly lowering N03 but not fast enough.. besides i want to eliminate filter media.

My alk is 11-12 and I use Biodigest with no issues.

Also check the ampules they say on Biodigest that one amp is good for "UP TO" 1,000 l. So anything up to that amount of total system volume you would use 1 ampule.
just purchased Bio Clean and reefboosters, but im hearing a lote of confliction information on how to apply it. I have a 34 gallon Red Sea max, so my doses are much smaller than each ampoule, how do i know how much to use?

Also when the glass is broker will it spoil or can i save for next dose?? question applies to (reefbooster & Bio Clean system)

Also i read that your dkh must be below 8 in order to start dosing Bio Clean system, or it can burn your sps...

Can anyone shed some light on this before i start dosing??

My Params as of 12/8/08

Alk = 10.9
PH - 8.0-8.1
Calcium =450
Magnesium = 1450
Phosphates = 0ppm
Nitrates =10-20 ppm
Salinity =1.023-24 (based on calibration fluid at 35ppt.)
Orp = 119

im battling a brown and green algae (diatom bloom during photo periods) and i see some cyano coming also.

I have always had a problem with high N03, im trying the Matrix and denitrate at the moment and it seems to be slowly lowering N03 but not fast enough.. and im looking to eliminate filter media. I want to get started asap, but dont have enought confidence..

sorry for the double post, but it wasnt showing up on my end for a minute

anyway, that dose amount seems like waay too much,
Also Paul are you using the Bioptim as well??

To me it looks like the Bio Digest will last forever but the bioptim will need replacement in about 3 months..

what would you suggest as a starting point for using bio clean system?
Im going to use it on my 28 gal JBJ. I was planning on using a third of an amp and coving it in plastic and putting it in the fridge to keep it longer.. not sure if it will work but hopefully it will. The nano kit included to much stuff for me to need it. Plus, I dont see a reason why it wouldnt keep in the amp.. its doesnt expire or anything.
I don't run the complete system. I use Biodigest and dose alcohol.

I use what the box says for Biodigest. 1 amp for up to 264 gallons every 15 days ( I have 105 gallons total). The directions for Bio Trace says 1 amp for up to 52 gallons every 2 days. According to that you would use one amp every 2 days.
acpoweradapter: That sounds like a good idea , but Paul is confusing me because it still doesnt address the issue of using too much, one ampoul in a 34 gallon could be overkill??

Not sure what I'm gonna do? I think I may discontinue the Phosguard that I'm running and just run carbon in my Phosban reactor (instead of both) once I start the Prodibio? Still like to here feedback from the RC masses on that one I guess.

I went and got my Phosphate and Nitrate checked at a LFS since I don't have the kits and lower levels of PO4 never really read out well on home test kits any way. So, here's my params:

Salinity= 1.025
PH= 8.15 - 8-4 (drops low at night just started running a reverse photo period)
Alk= 9.0 dkh
Cal= 410
Mag= 1400
Nitrate= 25(YIKES!)
PO4= .01 (checked with a photometer)

I was a little confused with the high nitrates and pretty much ZERO PO4??? I'm hoping the Prodibio will bring the nitrates down in line with the PO4 and I'll just continue my heavy feeding schedule of fish and corals! I also started dosing the new Aquavitro "Fuel" along with the coral feedings nightly so, we'll see how things pan out.

I am interested in hearing back from anyone dosing Prodibio that's running carbon and a phosphate remover simultaneously? or if they stopped? or whatever.....

Just curious before I start, thanks!