<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14122876#post14122876 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by soccerbag
That's good info Cato. Thanks for posting this. I think a lot of us are in the initial "loading" phas and there is not a lot of info out there on what to expect. That is my biggest frustration with the program. There are not many before and after photos like you see with Zeo. This info helps though. It's one of the few posts on RC that tell you what to expect.
It's been 8 weeks(on Monday).... Just had my levels tested today, P04 with a photometer no less!!<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14344527#post14344527 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by soccerbag
How long did it take Dave? What were your levels when you started? We all hope to get there one day!! : ) B]
From what I have read it's important to stop GFO because if you starve the PO4 the bacteria will be starved, so you will not see the best results. I have been using this for 4 months now and all my levels are undetectable with no GFO.<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14178154#post14178154 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Faisal1976us
Is it important to close GFO reactor when dosing biodigest and bioptim ?
OK, I read this thread and checked out the Prodibio site for info and still cannot determine what to do. It looks like BioDigest is targeted at nitrate reduction and Bioptim is targeted at phosphate reduction. Correct? Do they have to be used together? Can you use one by itself to address a specific issue with nitrate or phosphate levels? I have some cyano and what looks like a brown, powdery algae that I cannot get rid of. How long after the start of BioDigest/Bioptim use do you begin using ReefBooster?
GoJo, BioDigest is the bacteria additive, which will consume NO3 and PO4. Think of Bioptim as the carbon source, or food for the bacteria. IMO you should run both, or substitute Bioptim with a different carbon source like vodka.
Generally speaking you can use most any bacteria source coupled with most any carbon source, although no manufacturer of any item would say that Iwan was one of the first to note on forums that he used different combos of both, but more recently Eric of glassbox-design posted information regarding their "VSV" method, in which they use Prodibio bacteria and a combination of vodka + sugar + vinegar as a trifecta of caron sources (hence VSV) http://glassbox-design.com/2008/vsv-total-organic-carbon-in-the-reef-aquarium/Does anyone have a link to the vodka+prodibio hybrid method?