For those that doubt T5 's

nice milli aquamanE. is the color pink true to what you posted? how many bulbs and what are the bulb brand and color? i've never doubted t5's. been to europe and saw many there, many people here in the states still don't believe!
My camera S$!cks. It is pinker than that!!!.

I am using a Nova Extreme Pro from Current, 6 x 39W, 36" for a 65 gal. . At this time with stock bulbs. Will likely upgrade in a few months, but i am a beliver in "if its not broke, dont fix it".
I have t5's and they work great. The only problem I have heard from many people with t5's is the neon colors they seem to have. I think the people who doubt t5's have been using MH for many years.

Hey Ding2dong- you say "neon colors from many people using amino acids "

is that like for me in the 70's with black lights and LSD, acid, shrooms, etc....yeah man...peace..psychadelic.....give me that bong....

Seriously the spectrum is whatever you want dependiong on bulb choice like any other system.
~9 inches from lights. 6 or so from water level. 6 bulbs. stock from Current is 3 x 10K daylight, 3 actinic.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12154774#post12154774 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AquamanE
Hey Ding2dong- you say "neon colors from many people using amino acids "

is that like for me in the 70's with black lights and LSD, acid, shrooms, etc....yeah man...peace..psychadelic.....give me that bong....

Seriously the spectrum is whatever you want dependiong on bulb choice like any other system.

LOL seriously though if you look at most of the very successful t5 driven tanks they have those neon colors which I don't care for. My tank doesn't have the neon colors but many do.

Thanks why for my frag system I switched to metal halides and like them alot.

this guy uses only t5's. i saw it with my own eyes and this is my picture taken by me with my camera. the colors are actually nicer in real life.

2284112dt1.JPG" width="470" height="352">
here's another pic taken again by me with my camera and no doctoring of picture. again all t5's. looks nicer in real life too. doesn't look pastel to me. does it to you?

2284418jwre6.JPG" width="470" height="352">
caps/birds/hyd grow under pretty much anything and colors are not necessarily due to lights and lights alone. HUSBANDRY!

Anyways I guess is time to post real pics of critters with MH's

Another one of this threads! just soooooo much fun NOT!
Gasman- your giving cudos to my "Husbandry"? Ill take that as a compliment. LOL.

My intention is not to say its better, only to say its possible to grow SPS for those of us that dont like the heat, chillers, required upgraded transformers from FPL for our neighborhoods, part time job to pay FPL, etc... LOL.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12158043#post12158043 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AquamanE
Gasman- your giving cudos to my "Husbandry"? Ill take that as a compliment. LOL.

My intention is not to say its better, only to say its possible to grow SPS for those of us that dont like the heat, chillers, required upgraded transformers from FPL for our neighborhoods, part time job to pay FPL, etc... LOL.

well said! i agree 100%. i do like MH shimmering and if $ were not an issue sure i'd get it. but there are alternatives. if led's were not so expensive i'd get that over t5's too.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12157978#post12157978 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
caps/birds/hyd grow under pretty much anything and colors are not necessarily due to lights and lights alone. HUSBANDRY!

Anyways I guess is time to post real pics of critters with MH's

Another one of this threads! just soooooo much fun NOT!

gasman, why do you guys take t5's vs mh vs led vs anything else so personal? other than the fact that we are looking for alternatives and learning from other peoples experiences we couldn't care less what you or anyone else use cause we're not the ones looking at the tank. we just want to know that what ever technology we are considering can actually work. we already know MH light works but not everyone knows t5's work, hence the thread. we're not trying to convince anyone to use t5's or anything else for that matter, we're just saying there may be other options.

ok heres another t5 that i saw. obviously everything has to be in check but t5's were the lights.

2284120jwre2.JPG" width="470" height="352">
Hold on guys!! Again I just wanted to show my growth, thats all. Not create a controversy.

A few years back i had a 90G with MH and actinics, this was the early 90's. At that time the things to keep where LPS and softies, Everything did very well. (altjhough algae was a problem then. We didnt know what we know now about pho4, etc...)

This time when i decided to come back after a few years hiatus SPS is the thing to keep, and i can see why. i researched new technology, and alternatives to MH only because I did not want to have to deal primarily with heat. I didnt have the space for a chiller so decided on T5's knowing that i might be limited to some capacity in what i could keep. It was a personal choice, not even a $$ decision. I had the cash to buy whatever I wanted.

I reasearch the coral i buy to make sure T5's are OK before buying. Again i know the limitations and accept them.

BTW- I am not only keeping caps, birds, and hydno. I used those pics because they are the ones i got first and have, of course, grown more.

reefsahoy- Nice pics !!!
Nothing personal lol j/k
It does not matter 1000 watts whether it is from MH or t5 in the end is 100o watts.

And yes u can keep everything under those girly T5's LOL j/k again. It truly depends on your quality of cae and husbandry.
by the looks of those pics you are certainly doing something right.

MH's rule!
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BTW i wish I had pics of one of my tanks back 10 years ago which was all VHO's alone.
It was good but not good enough.
MH's rule!

Ok your highness, the almighty has spoken, your right. LOL J/K.

But ide rather buy me a bottle of Johnie Walker Blue every once in a while with the money you send FPL. :rollface: