Fox Flame fs?

Well I want to say it was bad salt. I have done a wholesale change to try to move towards recovery. It started happening right after the last pallet of salt I bought. Tank got a little worse after every water change. It took me too long to figure it out blaming lights and just about anything but the salt manufacturer. I talked to a couple other people using the same salt with major death. I have to be certain before I slam their name. I have been wrong before.
Well I want to say it was bad salt. I have done a wholesale change to try to move towards recovery. It started happening right after the last pallet of salt I bought. Tank got a little worse after every water change. It took me too long to figure it out blaming lights and just about anything but the salt manufacturer. I talked to a couple other people using the same salt with major death. I have to be certain before I slam their name. I have been wrong before.

Please text me name of salt. as a friend with same problem I have told him last resort change salts but not sure. See if we can add another to the mystery problem
I can get you frag, wouldn't be huge, so maybe not what looking for. Mine is finally starting to grow at a good rip.

Trade of course, lost a lot of sps in storm and need to build back up.
Bryan that sounds good. I will take what I can get at the moment. I just need to get it into my tank and get it growing. If mine somehow recovers I will just have a second colony growing as a backup.
Let me know when you are available. Saturday morning I am doing a project with the tank so I won't be available until sometime between 1 and 4.
Text me what you are looking for.
As I said I do not want to wrongly throw them under the bus. I will not say the name until I am pretty positive it was the salt.
It is not a popular brand around here.
I have 14 buckets but since I am already out almost $1k I am not wasting anymore money sending in for a test that may not prove anything. That doesn't include the several thousand in coral loses.

The salt has a small amount of aminos in it which I never had issues with for a couple years. My tank does not like the addition of amino supplements. Any brand. It kills acros. It could still be great salt for someone that can use aminos and just not for me. It could be this simple.
I have 14 buckets but since I am already out almost $1k I am not wasting anymore money sending in for a test that may not prove anything. That doesn't include the several thousand in coral loses.

The salt has a small amount of aminos in it which I never had issues with for a couple years. My tank does not like the addition of amino supplements. Any brand. It kills acros. It could still be great salt for someone that can use aminos and just not for me. It could be this simple.

I had a total loss on a tank in 2008. It definitely ended up being the Salt. At that time, it was Red Sea Coral Pro :). I didn't lose anthing like what Rob has lost, it was only a 34 gallon softie tank, but still lost over 2K. I kept doing water changes (like daily) with the crap that was killing my tank! Good Luck Rob, Your tank was looking something next to "unreal"!!!

Thanks Mike,

That was the same deal I had going on. Things appear a little off so you do a water change. It doesn't help so you do another a few days later and things get worse. Then you do another and it gets worse. Unfortunately the damage is done when you realize what is really going on. I thought it was lights because I changed them right when my issues started. Problem was I got a new shipment of salt a fews days before I installed the lights. ( The lights were the exact same lights. Just new)
I think some of my Fox Flame may make it. Still to early to tell.
I am still looking for a new piece. Nobody has come through for me yet.
Hey Rob,
Did you learn of the amino's in the salt before or after you changed? This of course limits the salt to only a few, I will leave my suspicion to myself. I know oh too well how additions to salt, beyond macro and trace can be beneficial, or also not so. That said, I have some decent experience with various systems, and can offer insight, if you need to bounce ideas. Sorry to learn of your losses, I experienced some as well, Irma took my sps frags out, it was a new system anyway, likely I should have not been so focused on sps corals. I digress, hope to see you retrieve some of those lost ones, and certainly know you will bounce back with glory. Been a fan of yours for years, and wish you all the best :)
$20-30 on a Triton test seems trivial compared to the cost of salt and losses. We had a bad batch of IO last year and it took forever to figure out why some tanks would suddenly not support LPS and others were fine because it was a longer term effect. Finally narrowed it down to the tanks with that particular salt. Switched to a different brand and everything perked back up. FWIW, we have been very pleased since switching to TMPro in the shop and service accounts. I hate salts with organics in them, personally, but I need to have one that can sit up to a week.