
New member
We'll the space that was given to us to do the Swap at has been leased out to a business.
Richard got busy and found us another space and I actually think it is better. It is at 966 June. It is just after the poplar I 240 loop behind Wendy's. It is a two story white building with a big for lease sign on the top ( used to be a liquor store). We will only have to use the bottom floor and it will flow better than the other space. This one is more open.

Now the bad news for those of you planning to get water from Memfish they will not be next door any more so you may have to rethink your water.
Parking is a little more limited so I am asking that those that come early to set up once your stuff is unloaded if you could park your car on June on the side to help open parking space up for shoppers. I would not recomend using Wendy's space as it may make them upset.

Let me know if anyone has any questions.
Will you be contacting all the vendors and people that have reserved a table to make sure they are aware of the location change?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13245471#post13245471 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sperry
Will you be contacting all the vendors and people that have reserved a table to make sure they are aware of the location change?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13245503#post13245503 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scarson61
Should we be thinking of getting the spot we used last year since it would be easy for folks to find?

Good Question. I guess the club needs to vote or officers need to make that decision.
We have a spot that is now empty in our shopping center. I'll contact Bob to see if it's OK to use. It has a bathroom , a place to prepare and serve food, concrete floor in the back two thirds,...etc. It's also a couple of doors down so water shouldn't be a concern.I should know something within the hour.
Bob had no problem with letting the club use the space. He is going to call our agent to see if it poses any problems with any imminent tenant lease.

Edit: He just called and there would be no problem with the club using the space on Sept. the 27th.
I suggest that the Board of Directors "Scramble on this and make a quick executive decision"

The members I would certainly think they would act in our clubs best interest under the circumstance, I certainly give them my vote to "handle it"
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13246015#post13246015 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ducklabdad
I suggest that the Board of Directors "Scramble on this and make a quick executive decision"

wewere thinking the same thing at the same time our post was at 12:53 exact
Sounds to me like Dave at Kermits has found an ideal location. serving outlet, space, restroom and close proximity to water AND just next door like it was at memfish.

I think most people involved in the swap including vendors already know exactly where Kermit's is as well making that problem go away.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13245727#post13245727 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by just dave
Bob had no problem with letting the club use the space. He is going to call our agent to see if it poses any problems with any imminent tenant lease.

Edit: He just called and there would be no problem with the club using the space on Sept. the 27th.

will there be enough room to have 14-16 8' tables for people to sell at a table for entrance 3 tables for the club and 4-6 tables for concessions 4 tables for raffles. Thanks Malisa
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13247029#post13247029 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by grannybj
one other question on Dave's about electrical outlets...are there plenty ?

There are thirty-four outlets inside. Will that be plenty?
I think the location next to Kermit's would be ideal. There's adequate space, plenty of electrical outlets, and it's next to a ready source of RO and saltwater.

And since it's a frag swap, it'll be nice to be near a fish store.
Here is what is needed as right now for space 18 8'tables ( 16 with power)
a sign in table
4 tables for raffles
2 tables to eat at
and space to sell concessions
this is if no one else decides to want a table
room for people to move around and shop
and a space for frag demo/speaker

just letting all know what kind of space is needed on my end.

Should we vote on this? That is how we decided on the orginal location.
We could post a poll vote here on RC

just my thoughts
I vote to let the board of Directors decide!
A pole on here would only get to the people that are on this site in the next 24 hours (when it seems this needs to be decided)
We voted the members on the board because of our confidence in this group and they are there just for this type of issue i would think, at least it has been that way in any other organization I have been a part of. Just my 2 cents worth!!
If I have it correct and the room is 60' x 20' my husband layed it out as we do for our customers when we do trade shows for them, and we are coming up with 13 tables fitting in this space. Seeing how right now we need room for 23 I am not sure how the Frag Swap will fit in this location. If someone else can come up with a lay out that works let me know. Or let me know if I have the size wrong.
Not to rub anyone the wrong way but 966 June has the space.