Frag Swap.....Met a very special new FMAS member


New member
Hey guys, this is a shout out to all my fellow FMAS members and friends here on RC. Today at the frag swap I met a very special young man. His name is Adam and he is new to reefing and our newest FMAS member. He has a new used 100gal DT and stand which his father is cleaning up and attempting to get ready for him. Here is the situation that makes it special and what our club is all about. He has had a few minor setbacks in his life that make it difficult if not impossible to do any of the work. He also from what I can tell is in need of some equipment and still learning. I have a vision here that we could all pitch in a few parts/equipment/time. It shouldn't be too difficult to help get this done for a special young man that has enough to worry about already. He is very bright and learning quickly about our amazing hobby and will inspire anyone that talks to him to make a difference within minutes. Lets reach out to all our contacts and even if all you can do is give an hour or so of time lets GETRDONE as Eddie says lol....

Equipment needed.....
1. sump
2. skimmer
3. plumbing
4. return pump
5. sand
6. live rock
7. maybe a few starter fish
8. maybe a few frags to get started
9. setup help

I will start out......I have all the plumbing parts Im sure and will volunteer to run all the plumbing. I can also spare few pieces of live rock.....
Don't have anything to offer since I am in the process of building my new tank.
But I will be more than happy to help financially if nec.
Thanks Tec and Doc just trying to get everything planned out for him. Eddie, Marvin, and I spoke with him and his mother today and got his contact information. He is in Coral Springs and I will be getting a list of donations and set up a date with his parents to set his stuff up.

I think he will be attending our next meeting so it should be a good opportunity for him to get to meet some of the guys and see a great presentation also on photography.
Hey Matt, I have about 30 pounds of nice live rock that is in three seperate (running) tanks in the garage. That will get him started with some good biological filtration. PM me and we will figure it out... Cheers, Matthew
I have a 20 long sump I can donate. It's gonna need some cleaning though. If he doesn't mind cleaning it let me know.
Ok thanks mp and m55 ....m55 on the sump it might be a bit small to fit a correct skimmer in but we will see what we get and if so we will go with what we get Ima put you down and lets keep things going if we can get a bit larger
We got

1. Matt plumbing/installation live rock
2. tecdiver some frags
3. Doggydoc with a donation
4. mpfeiffer1 some live rock
5. M_55G with a possible sump
Matt- I will buy a new in sump return pump, like a mag or quiet one. LMK what you think is needed.

And of course i am in to help, manually with set up.
I would be glad to add to the $ pot
Is this the young man in the wheel chair?

Yes. He is very bright, and enthused about the hobby. They had already started this project not knowing FMAS existed. He found us online. These are the things FMAS does for the community.:bounce1:
Great idea gang- I'd love to help!

You can count me in for live rock and frags! I might be able to contribute some Koralias----gotta check on their condition.

Again, great idea and I'd love to be on board.
I forgot to add earlier that I have a 5 gal bucket of dead sand. It has been completely cleaned. I might have a little more, but I need to check. I am also slowly siphoning the sand out of the 180 and changing to corapet sand. He can have that also if needed. Let me know and I can do a good vacuuming of it before donating. That way all or most of the detritus is removed. Also some cleaned dead rock.

Do you know if he is only going with sps or also softies. I have some blue mushrooms which are a pretty color. I also have a nice big frag of ORA green stylophora which is easy to take care of.
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i may be able to frag some small stuff, but i can help with any work, not to far from springs so ill gladly help out with anything i can :)
Matt do you have an idea of when this might take place? I can put the rock in my sump tomorrow to get it started.
Well if someone is in charge of collecting cash for this project
Please pm me the info needed
Glad to see people coming together to help tryed this once by myself
It was not easy at all with a bunch of people should be easy as pie
Or maybe a gift card deal would be fun I'm sure are guy would enjoy
Some online shopping once the reef itch starts
I'd be willing to offer $100 at Steve tyrees store