Everyone is welcome
964 June Rd
Memphis, TN 38119-3702
search it on map quest
maybe the above link will work for you
You will see Wendy’s on the corner. The building we are in is behind Wendy’s. It is white and two story building with a very large for rent sign on it. Call me if you get lost and maybe someone around me can give you directions. I’ll get you lost. LOL, We have yard signs with arrows. I am not sure if they will be out Friday. They will be out 1st Sat am. I’ll try for some blue balloons on the street sign.
Malisa 901-359-2199
964 June Rd
Memphis, TN 38119-3702
search it on map quest
maybe the above link will work for you
You will see Wendy’s on the corner. The building we are in is behind Wendy’s. It is white and two story building with a very large for rent sign on it. Call me if you get lost and maybe someone around me can give you directions. I’ll get you lost. LOL, We have yard signs with arrows. I am not sure if they will be out Friday. They will be out 1st Sat am. I’ll try for some blue balloons on the street sign.
Malisa 901-359-2199