anyone know a date and location for the next one
Anyone know how if possible to get in touch with the frag seller
Mecoral or mefrags he was on the right rear of the swap next to
A guy named porksandwich or something similar
Had a lot of cheap and nice frags would like buy more
Thought I had a card in my gift bag but haven't been able to find it
LOL cheep your too funny .....Mark he is MECORAL and does not deal in cheep garb but does have nice prices and nice quality on the high end stuff.....porko thats Josh he is not on RC he hasn't been for some time, banned from RC ...just pm marke and he can put you in contact with Josh also....
I tryed sending a pm but it will not work
Any way you or someone else could put me in touch with
This mark from the me coral table from the frag swap ?