Frags For Trade

Dog fish

New member
I have these frags for trade they have been mounted for several months.
1. Atlantis Pink Polyed Montipora
2. Tyree Flower Petal Montipora
3. Tyree Montipora Undata
4. Leng Sy Montipora
5.Atlantis Rose Millipora
I am looking for a frag of the ORA Super Natural Montipora or Any other ORA or nice SPS.

Dog fish
Allow me to add to my previous statement. I have ORA Blue digi, some tri-color sps, and a bunch more. PM me if you would like to trade and i'll send you some pictures.
Hey Dogfish are you close by?, I am starting up a tank for my house and shutting down a bunch of frag tanks. If you still have some frags in a month or so I would love to trade some stuff. We are in the process of packing up and getting ready to move across town and I have 5 75 gallon tanks I will be tearing down so I am bound to find something you would want.
Where are you moving to Sanford? Do you have pictures of your frags? I'm sure there are some zoas and what-not's I would be interested in.
I could get a nice pick of coraline Algae, seeing I have not scraped in about 3 months. When I get my butt out there and see what I have I will post what I have, but I want to get my own tank running and see what I have room for. Then I will sell off some equipment, and livestock. I know I will have lights, Controllers, korallias, and other odds and ends.
Frags for trade

Frags for trade

I Live in Memphis, Post what you have and we can meet some where. I hope to have some pictures of the frags I have for trade soon. I think I saw where you had some AOG Zoo's I woulds be interested in a frag of those in return I could trade some RPE or PPE zoo's

Dog fish