
muos o(-_-)o

New member
I'm new to reef keeping :D I've had a fish only tank for 8 years. I've just added 2 x Zoa's and had a small problem with nudibranch :mad2: which with the help of (MUCHO) dips I'm sure I've got a handle on. I have a few polyps that have detached and are sitting on the bottom of the tank. How do you attach them to a rock? Any help welcome

Jeff :b:

Like Ti suggested, super glue works well to attach single polyps; however, the single polyps are more likely to release and float around again. You could try placing the glued piece in a low flow area where the water current won't help them to become unattached.
i also use super glue for my floaters,i put them all on one rock , that way ill have a mixed colony someday..thier all doing fine...i got some colonies that are hard to keep up with or frag out , so i let them grow off the sides the glue them to a frag rock..
