Frank's 120 gallon upgrade build.

I'm pretty happy with the pack. I got more than what I spent.. and by a lot. The colors on everything are amazing. I had great polyp extension this morning with lights off. These guys will sit on my frag rack for about a week or so to begin acclimating to light and then I'll find them homes throughout the tank and removed them from their plugs.

This will be my last coral purchase for awhile and I should have more than enough to give the tank a decent fill. Here's the list of what I received.

1. BC Secale
2. Oddball Shaddy Aussie
3. Shades of FaLL
4. June Ruby
5. Forest Fire Digi
6. PC Rainbow
7. Vivid Rainbow Delight
8. Poor Man's Battle Stag
9. Pink Lemonade
10. SunnyX Sunset.

Next, we'll start working on fish. I believe the next purchase for QT will be resplendent anthias. But we'll see.
So, something is still eating my sps. My limeade frag got torn up pretty good last night.

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So, I hit a rough patch this week. Between whatever was eating my sps, I managed to spike nutrients trying to catch it with traps. My phos was as high as .38 when I caught it. I've since caught my strawberry crab and my lawnmower blenny. Crab is in my sump and blenny is in prison in the tank.

I'm not sure who was responsible but I think it was the crab.
Anyways, I'm running gfo now and it seems that my nutrients have returned to moderately normal levels.

Phos was about .04-.08ppm. Red Sea kit. I can only tell when there is no blue. The different whites drive me nuts.

Nitrates seem to be 2ppm. Also Red Sea.

Alk is at 7.7. I got up to 8 last week and that's when I noticed the high phos. Normally I'm steady at 7.3. So I removed some kalk from my top off and I'm only dosing 1/3 of normal until everything seems happy again.

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Full tank shot. Just dropping in. No major updates. Tank seems to be cruising along.

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Full tank shot. Just dropping in. No major updates. Tank seems to be cruising along.

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Looking good Frank. HAve patience. Nothing in this hobby happens fast except bad news. So if what you are doing is working...stay at it. Don't change, Time will show you results of your hard work and $$.

KISS (Keep it simple stupid)
Don't be calling people stupid, that's just rude!

Looks good Frankieboy....hope you worked out your issues!

I did. Nutrients are back in check.

I do have brown diatoms on my sand bed but I think it's just a phase. I found red cyano on the right side of the tank. Which makes me believe I need one more power head.

Things have begun growing and basing again. I finally places the battlecoral frags today.

Now if only I could figure out what fish I want.

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Bad growth comparison photos. First is May 10th. Last is today. And I had a week of crap nutrients and crab hunting.

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