Frank's 120 gallon upgrade build.


Cloud storm hasn't subsided yet.

But we're up. I think I'll end up with a casualty. One of my wrasses jumped into my overflow within 30 seconds of dropping him in the tank. Made it all the way down the siphon, through the valve, I into the sump. He did clog it for all of 6 seconds.

After I put him back, he was swimming poorly and his fins were chopped up.

All my coral are in a holding 20gal.
Well, water is still cloudy so photo taking sucks. I didn't lose any fish, which excites me. However, my monti's rtn'd in my qt tank. Bta and acros still look fine.
I moved two acros to the display to test things out. So let's see how today goes. I think I'm probably more than ok to move everything but I'm going to wait a few more days.
Just a quick update.

Everything is in the tank now. I did lose just about every monti that I had in my old tank when setting up the new one. I had an LPS get crushed and forgotten and I think it released toxins and all monti's were first to go.

I lost my FMAS grow out frag because of it as well. Didn't lose anything else.

As for lighting, I'm pretty unhappy with the LEDs that came with the tank. They seem to do a lot of individual spot lighting per LED. Almost like I can tell the color of the LED that is in certain areas. I'm very happy with the T5s though. When the T5s are on(which is about 4hrs a day. 2b+ and 1c+) everything is fully extended including my BTA which is on the a rock on at the bottom of the tank. I'm trying to get him to walk off the rock he's on onto another.

Fish are all settled in well and swimming around. I have my return(700gph) and my rw-15 on the left side of the tank up high. This caused huge water movement at the top of the tank which goes the length of the tank and drops lower and returns. All the fish seem to love swimming in the current at the bottom of the tank.

I'm going to let everything settle for now. I'll probably start a QT this week and order a few fish. I don't plan on adding anything for one month's time--coral nor fish. I'll probably add some inverts though.

My skimmer has been having issues settling though. It's been overflowing for two days. Lots of white junk. I'm assuming it's from not washing my dry sand.

One thing I would like to say is that I had Rob from EcoReef Results come out and help me with the move. They got a lot of bad exposure because of a set up that was done in the past. I've had nothing but positive experiences with them. He even came out after 6:30pm and was helping me with the move until about 11p. We broke down the previous tank and then moved the new. He also helped with aquascape, sand fill, and I filled my tank with NSW for first fill.

I WOULD and DO recommend them to anyone that is near them.

I still need to build my manifold, set up ATO, and Apex.

That's all for now.

Sticks are brown and ugly. Photos will probably pop up next week.
It's been awhile since I posted.

Tank is doing very well. Everything is settled in and seems very happy. A number of my frags have begun to encrust what they're stuck to and a few are showing a bit of growth tips.

Over the last month, I increased by blues from 50-60% after two weeks. Yesterday I increased my T5 time from 4-5hrs. I've been manually dosing my mag and I'm running Kalk through my ATO. Surprisingly, I think this tank has half the evaporation rate of my 60gal. Weird considering my 60 was ONLY LED and this thing runs a T5.

I know these threads are useless without photos. So, I'll get you all a nice photobomb sometime between today and Sunday.

I, also, picked up a spotbreast angelfish. Rov and DoggyDoc turned me on to the genus. I love mine. I may go this route with a few more instead of tangs.
Saw this tank in person it looked great! Glad your problems are behind you and with someone else:p

Thanks for the kind words. Coming from you, it means a lot. Your tank has always been an inspiration for me.

Also, I know I promised pics. But it won't be tonight. Tomorrow when t5s are on I'll take them.

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The wwc is notorious for losing color when fragged. Will get very blah then comes back....well as long as you don't kill it. The other 2 should hold their color pretty well and color up rather quickly, at least in my experience.
Nice little miniature update. Everything is doing really well. I had a little scare with ich/velvet and set off a false alarm. I've since gathered equipment for a hospital QT and stuff for tank transfer method. I don't have ich. But all incoming fish will go through qt.

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