Frogmans 90 gallon no sump mixed reef


New member
Well, I'm not a mixed reef yet. I want to get a handle on the chemistry before adding LPS and if I have good success hopefully some SPS. I've had a fish only salt for 17 years and been keeping african cichlids for 35 years

Here is what I have so far. I set this tank up October 3 after tearing down my old scratched up 75. So some of the sand was old and tank decorations and the fluval canister has been running since 1992.


In the left corner is a tunze nano reef pack which is a nano doc skimmer and an in tank filter. The in tank filter is 240 gph and is loaded with 5 oz high capacity GFO and 5 oz ROX carbon from bulkreefsupply. The right corner is another nano doc skimmer. Under the skimmer on the right is a Koralia 3 powerhead. You see its a tight fit behind the light for the skimmers or anything else. I barely have room to drop a power cord.


The Fluval 403 canister is configured a bit different. The bottom is loaded with 5 inches of sand, the center section is cut out to divert the flow around some live rocks which are full of bristle worms. The top is floss, chemipure and half a sponge. I may move carbon to the canister and double up the GFO in the intank filter.


The water return comes through these jets which are piped under the sand. There are 4 in this picture


The light is Aquactinics TX5 with two ATI blueplus, UVL actinic white, GE 6500 and ATI aquablue HO T5 bulbs. Here is a shot a few weeks ago that shows the setting of the tank.


I have xenia, kenya tree, cabbage and finger leathers, zoas and one candy cane.


For fish I have 4 clowns that I understand may not be compatible long term. So far its 2 months. The bangaii cardinals are a breeding pair. The scissortail goby replaced a purple firefish that mysteriously died. The hector's goby is pretty cool. He feasts on hair algae which I have a bit of and pods. I must have a thousand amphipods crawling all over the tank.


I also have a blood shrimp, lots of red leg hermits, 1 ruby and one emerald crab, nassarius, astrea, stomatella and collinista snails.

The water is doing pretty well. With the GFO in for a week now my phosphates are near zero but I need a better low level test. Nitrates are also low, hard to say but less than 5 for sure. Calcium is 380, Mag 1300, alk very high for some reason at 12 kH. pH is 8.2

I think I am ready for more lps, looking at duncans, frogs or hammers, or some acans. I really would like to get some color in there, especially some reds or blues.

I could add a couple more fish. I was thinking of some blue reef chromis but saw they can get pretty good size. Maybe just one or do they need a small group of 3. I'm more inclined to just go with one.

I also have coming in some biopellets. I am toying with the idea of stuffing them in the skimmers. Flow is low, I think they would stay in there. I could compare the skimmate in one vs the other to see what difference they make. If your not familiar with biopellets, they replace carbon dosing with liquids and there is a good thread if you do a search. i could also load them in the canister but before i put them anywhere. I'd like to get some better baseline numbers on my nitrate and phosphate before I put them in. I would be curious to see if they could maintain a low phosphate number without GFO in the system.

That's my tank, any comments would be appreciated.

Here's a shot of my 150 gallon african tank

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Impressive tank Frogman ! I'm running canister too ! ;) Recently I had a Frogspawn did a bailout of its branch. Now the heads are walking around my aquarium. 3 of them died but 1 is hanging on. How deep is your Sand Bed ?
The sand bed is 3 to 4 inches deep. Its shallower in the rear of the tank since I won't be able to vacuum that. I don't regularly vacuum the sand, but I may want to do a bit every few months.
Looks great! Off to a good start. You can expect a cyno outbreak followed by hair algae, but it's normal for a new setup. Good luck!
If you take a good look at the first pic, you'll see I'm well into the hair algae and whatever that brown stuff is on the back glass.
I'm guessing your a woodworker by how well your stands and entertainment center match! Nice work, your tanks look great!
Some new stuff, a scissortail goby, an open brain coral and an orange finger sponge.




I hooked up the second tunze nano skimmer, you also see the R2 Solutions Extreme moonlights


And drilled the collection cups


To drain into something a bit larger


Next up I'm waiting for my biopellets to show up. I'll put most in the canister but I may try a few in one of the skimmers to see what it does. The canister then shouldn't be collecting much detritus and consume nitrates instead of make them. Not sure what effect the DSB in the canister has, but my nitrates are less than 5 ppm. I need a better nitrate test for low levels.

Water is good, calcium 400, dkH 9, mag a bit low 1200 so I'm dosing Tech M, phosphate 0.01. pH 8.3

Frogspawn, hammer, or duncan corals are next on the list.
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looks like your off to a great start on your mixed reef tank not to mention the woodwork on your cichlid tank looks outstanding. i may be wrong but in your closeup of your candy cane it looks like you might have flatworms. they dont necessarily harm your coral(i dont think) but they can be irritating to them and grow to plague like proportions in a tank if left unchecked, but then again they could be something else.
Latest update.


Finally got my frogspawn


The tank just came off a 3 day dark, first time I've tried that. It helped take down some clear fuzzy algae I saw break out.

I took a frag with some xenia on it to my lfs. He'll give me half what he sells it for. There were a few bubble algae on it. I have seen a little bubble algae show up here and there but it disappears. I hope thats the emerald crabs at work.

The fish are doing fine. The clowns are doing the rock cleaning thing but I can't tell who is going to pair up. So far so good with the 4 clowns after 5 months they all get along.

The cardinals spawned but the male ate or dropped the eggs. Just as well, I think it was still a bit soon for him to be holding them again.

I put the sponge in the back left corner to take it out of the light. We'll see how it does. That was probably not the smartest purchase from what I'm reading.

The candy cane is responding well to extra feeding of pellets and shrimp. Looks like some heads are ready to split.

Below is my water test results. GFO has really done a job on the phosphate but I still have algae issues. At the moment they are tolerable and I actually want a little algae for the pods, hermits, snails and hector's goby. I have the two Tunze skimmers steady at 3 cups skimmate per week total. Not sure how to evaluate the biopellets, but water conditions are good. I'm swapping out 5oz GFO and 5 oz carbon every month which is the high quality BRS stuff.

Last water test Salinity 1.025 refractometer, Nitrate 0 Salifert, Phosphate 0 Elos, Ca 380 API, Mg 1305 Salifert, kH 8 API, pH 8.3 Red Sea.
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Comimg along nicely.One of my first corals was a very small frodspawn.It was so small I thought I bought a dead frag for awhile.Now it's one of my favorite corals.
Your "straw" technique for FW's

Your "straw" technique for FW's

The technique you described for getting rid of flatworms really intrigues me. They've developed on a couple of my 'shrooms which have otherwise been extremely healthy. I've been following all of the threads regarding methods of getting rid of flatworms and am close to trying a 6-line wrasse but I'm concerned that it might damage the mushrooms/ricordea. The other flatworm control methods described on RC seem mighty extreme to me. Did your "straw technique" work for extracting FW from soft corals? Or, would you only recommend trying it on worms that are in the open on live rock? My 125 gal. does not have a substrate so getting rid of worms from sand is not a problem.

I visited your web site and your new tank is shaping up beautifully! I really envy you the live rock formations you have. My rocks are just rocks. (Might as well be bricks.) Sure wish I knew something about aqua-scaping!

Happy Holidays!

Tom Werlinich
Is that an emergency blanket as the bacdrop? Were you going for something reflective or why did you put that on the back?
Its heavy duty aluminum foil so I was going for something reflective. I have been looking for a dark blue foil wrapping paper to replace it.

With all the algae growing, which is becoming more and more coraline, I don't think its going to matter what I have on the back.

Regarding the flatworms and sucking them up with straw (actually a long piece of hard air line tubing). I was pretty diligent looking for those red spots on the glass and in the tank and I could suck them off the corals pretty easy with the straw. You can also reduce the suction by dipping the straw into some depth of water before putting your finger on the end. Use the tip of the straw to dislodge the worm, release your finger from the end, and the worm is in the straw. Put your finger back on the straw, pull it out of the water and release into a cup. Repeat as necessary.

I don't know what happened to the flatworms in my tank. I haven't seen any in a month. I'm not sure if the hector's goby is eating them, he's the only pod hunter in the tank.

Thanks for the comments on the rocks. I don't have a lot of rocks, just some big ones. It hurts a bit to spend $100 for a single rock, but I looked for large rocks that were interesting even as bare rock. So I have about $350 in just four rocks. Its the three bottom rocks starting from the left and the one in the center with all the xenia. The other stuff is mostly coral skeletons from my old set up.
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I finally found some dark blue foil and swapped out the foil. It made the algae look even worse so I had to clean the back off. Wow, what a difference. I'm going to have to keep algae, even the coraline off the back.

The latest update after my visit to Fintastic, the best fish store in the Charlotte area if not the entire southeast. Also, I got a new camera, its a Panasonic DMC ZS3 point and shoot.

I picked up a crocea clam


A montipora


and a green montipora, they had some frags half price.


Here's a shot full tank shot


The brain is doing really well


Its a pellet feast for the crabs and snails.


I just love this bangaii cardinal. He's a pretty picky eater but has developed a real appetite for red cherry shrimp out of my planted tank.


Water parameters are all good Ca 420, Mg 1340, alk 7 pH 8.3, nitrates 0, phosphates 0.01. The GFO has been in since Dec 1, waiting to see how long I can go before a phosphate rise.

Almost got the sun coral today, they had a nice one and I have a spot in mind. That big rock left center with the big hole in the middle would be great.

Still looking for a starry blenny, almost went with the midas blenny, they had several to pick from. Its starting to look like a reef tank. I have high hopes for that red monti cap looking real good in that spot as it fills out.
Feb update, not much new except for some green mushrooms.


Unfortunately my monti has a little white spot. I don't know whats up with that.


The candy cane has about 40 heads now.


It all looks pretty good.


I did squirt 3 aiptasia yesterday with Aiptasia X. I hope I can keep them under control. I have been harvesting the xenia. My lfs is giving me frag rocks and he's selling the xenia for $20 and giving me $10 in store credit. He's sold 5 so far. And has 6 of my xenia for sale. A pretty good deal I think. I have an endless supply of xenia, they really love my tank.

My bangaii cardinal has been holding for almost 3 weeks. I have a 10 gallon set up if I can catch the babies.

I couldn't catch the bangaii and he released the fry in the tank. I caught one yesterday and put it in my 10 gallon refuge tank. I thought the rest were gone until I found 3 in the frogspawn this evening. Hope they make it. I'm curious to see how long they can make it in the tank. I've been squirting fresh hatched baby brine shrimp into the frogspawn.

March update.
I lost my baby bangaii in the 10 gallon tank to a heater malfunction. The ones in the tank were never seen again. I guess the frogspawn wasn't all that secure or they wandered out.

Here is the tank view. If you look at the monti, I broke off the receded part and did a Revive dip. It is healed up nicely and is growing where I broke it off.


The candy cane is the best


The four clowns are still doing very well together, now at 7 months. I know, it may not last, but I think they could have done worse than end up in my tank.


I got a little acan frag


I got something I didn't research, but it was cheap and interesting. A glowlight polyp?


The big thing is the yelow fiji. Unhappy at the moment, but it had its polyps out earlier in the evening.


Water chemistry is good except for alk tends to be low. I'm adding bicarb to move it from 6 to 7. I took the GFO out and the phosphates are still less than 0.01 on Elos test. Nitrates zero.

There's just a little hair algae, but its slowly receding. Aiptasia is the main weed being controlled. My rule is, if I see, I squirt it, right then. Aiptasia X does a good job. They seldom come back if I can get a good squirt on them. Of course Xenia needs control too. My LFS now has a tank full from me. I may just have to start disposing of them.

Still thinking about adding a fish or two. A healthy mandarin might work, I have lots of pods. Some sort of blenny, starry or midas is possible. I haven't lost any fish, 3 emeralds are doing well, and the blood shrimp is great. An occasional snail or hermit are my only losses so far since the purple firefish died several months ago. I saw some neon green candy canes I might pick up. The ones I have have grown fast.
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