Frogmans 90 gallon no sump mixed reef


So it has been a couple years since I last posted. Hair algea has been a problem though most people still think the tank looks cool. I just replaced my T5s with 2 Maxspect Razor 120s, 16K. I'll take another photo to give you the full tank look when I get back in town.

The Montipora have become huge, macro algae is a big feature and the clowns, (yes I still have the same 4 clowns) really treat it like a big anemone. I still have the female bangaii cardinal, some of the same nassarius snails, and most all the corals. I had a mandarin for over a year but the last two I tried just didn't last long at all. My yellow goby died and I've been through a couple royal grammas. I've had a cleaner shrimp and purple brittle star for a couple years. I go through lots of hermit crabs. It seems a few just go and go, but most die in less than 6 months. Emerald crabs don't last more than a few months. I had some peppermint shrimp for almost a year. They did successfully rid the tank of aptasia, the only thing that worked.

Just before I put on the LED lights I had a serious dieback of some candy canes and it looks like my open brain is in real trouble. Glad it happened before I switched the light or I would have blamed it on the LEDs. You see the frogspawn under the orange monti doesn't look good either. I lost the crocea clam. I blame the shrimp that just wouldn't leave it alone.

I'm hoping the LEDs put the hair algae in remission.
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This is the end of the no sump tank. My wife called while I was out of town 2 weeks ago saying the tank was leaking. After talking her through disconnecting the pump, it was still leaking. I called a fish tank service company and they came out right away, thanks Fintastic, and got my livestock into rubbermaid containers. The tank was leaking from the bottom seal and probably lost about 10 gallons of water before all was transferred out.

I took this opportunity to put in a sump. I went with a Eshopps R100, Octo 110 skimmer and a Jebao DC 4000 pump.

Here's where I'm at. I'm missing the other half of my LED lights until Tuesday with a repair.




My tank had fallen into a hair algae situation that had me ignoring the tank for a while. I had a halimedia bloom that took up about a quarter of the tank. It needed a good cleanout so starting almost from scratch except a few fish, some softies and candy cane. The rocks were still swarming with pods so I have that going for me. Interested to see how it breaks in with a mix of old and all new sand and tank.
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This is the end of the no sump tank. My wife called while I was out of town 2 weeks ago saying the tank was leaking. After talking her through disconnecting the pump, it was still leaking. I called a fish tank service company and they came out right away, thanks Fintastic, and got my livestock into rubbermaid containers. The tank was leaking from the bottom seal and probably lost about 10 gallons of water before all was transferred out.

I took this opportunity to put in a sump. I went with a Eshopps R100, Octo 110 skimmer and a Jebao DC 4000 pump.

Here's where I'm at. I'm missing the other half of my LED lights until Tuesday with a repair.




My tank had fallen into a hair algae situation that had me ignoring the tank for a while. I had a halimedia bloom that took up about a quarter of the tank. It needed a good cleanout so starting almost from scratch except a few fish, some softies and candy cane. The rocks were still swarming with pods so I have that going for me. Interested to see how it breaks in with a mix of old and all new sand and tank.


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This is awesome! I love seeing this tanks progress over time! I think you will really love the sump.

So I wasn't sure whether to start a new thread or not since I'm not a no sump system but I like having it all together and people see the sumpless history. I'm not sure what caused my algae issues. I wasn't testing as much, or using gfo, the skimmers weren't maintained, years of build up in the sand, anyway, I got a clean start and I'm committed to making stay nice.

I still have the algae issue and I went the fluconazole route. I've looked at NOPOx and Vibrant as other options. I have some BRS GFO coming so hoping those tools work.

Here is the set up.




The hair algae had already started to take off as you see below

Love the new change of scenery and reading about the previous setup! Looking forward to following this. Everything looks great so far!
I added an auto top off unit from Avast. I went with the perastaltic pump which was an upgrade and got a boxy little 7 gallon plastic container for storing the makeup water. I'm using RODI water and then add a tablespoon of bicarbonate per gallon figuring that can't hurt. Also my tank has a glass top and I have the sump partially covered too so the make up is minimal, maybe one or two gallons per week.

ATO-KIT Auto Top Off 1
MAGNET-2SLOT ATO Magnet Mount - 2-slot Multi-Purpose Magnet Mount 1
ATO-PERI-PUMP Peristaltic Pump for Auto Top-Off - 110v 1
SWITCHBOX-STD ATO Switch Type - Standard AC Outlet 1



In the pic below you see I added a vent tube. The Eshopps design has an air tight space for the filter sock and once air gets trapped in there it can't get out. You can see the level start to drop vs the level where the skimmer is which had me really puzzled at first.

I'm thinking about putting the GFO in a bag and hang it from the side where you have the upflow from the water intake to the sump. I could just wrap the draw string around that vent tube.


And found (and remmoved) what I understand is a harmless flatworm in my fuge.


This is day 5 after Fluconazole treatment. You can see the algae getting white.

So it is day 7 of the fluconazole treatment and the hair algae is in remission. I used tablets not the capsules so I had to bust them with a hammer in a plastic bag then mixed with rodi and dumped in the filter sock. You can see the algae is much whiter.



And the red and green macros look fine.



I need to check my nitrates and phosphates which I'm guessing are elevated. I have some GFO coming and I'm hoping the skimmer is working on the nitrates. Hopefully I get all that under control shortly and can start back up with some corals.
Awesome. I too went from a sumpless tank to getting one. I am glad I made that switch.

My bet is adding the new sand/digging up the old one is what sparked off that hair algae
Now at 2 weeks after Fluconazole and been running my skimmer for all but the first 3 days. There is still some hanging on but probably 90% of it is gone. Turns white and disappears.

Nitrates and Phosphates aren't showing up on my test kits but I just ordered a new Hanna low level kit for phosphate so we'll see what happens.

You can see below the algae is in remission.


I picked up a flame angel


And a frogspawn


This rock has great color and I just discovered a couple ball anemone


This is the full view


This is my african cichlid tank. I haven't put a fish in the tank since 2007.


I have three more fish on my list, a pair of banggai cardinals and a foxface.
So 4 weeks after fluconazole my tank is almost bad algae free. Macros are doing fine including the Dragons Tongue which has grown quite a bit. Halimeda is popping up all over.


The worst places of algae are clear. Even the refugium which had been a disaster. In the pic below you see some corals on top of the barnacle tree. I though they were all separate but now that the algae is gone I see they all grow from a purple vine that connects them all. Any idea what that is?


The fighting conch is cool. Never had one before


I put some GFO in a bag and it hangs in the upflow from the drain into the sump. Phosphates originally measured 0.13 and are now at 0.0 on a Hanna Low Phosphate test with 5 oz of GFO running for a few days.

Got a clean up crew from reefcleaners. 10 very small ceriths, 4 good size nerites, and 10 hermits. They go along with 4 trochus and 7 astreas. I put 3 astreas and all the ceriths in the refugium.

The flame angel is eating flakes and small pellets now in addition to frozen. Next addition still thinking about a pair of banggai cardinals and a foxface. Actually some more corals are probably next up.
Oct 1, 2017 update. Got a foxface rabbitfish. Was very happy to see the kole tang had no issues and in fact the kole, foxface and flame hang out together a lot of the time.


Also picked up some zoas.


The dragons tongue just didn't do well in the refugium with a 36 watt grow light. Even tried a24 watt blue light and that didn't work either. Was pretty bleached out when I moved it but has a bit more color now after just a few hours in the main tank.


I am tired of the felt sock and going to try a mesh sock with filter floss in the sump.


I am using kalkwasser for make up at a tbs/gallon with 45 ml vinegar per gallon. I notice now there is some white film on the surface of the make up tank. I'm still having to add calcium chloride once a week to keep Ca at 360 which is still a bit low. The halimeda is a calcium sponge.

I notice worms starting to take over the overflow box. Dwarf ceriths are breeding like crazy in the refugium and there are two stomatella snails in there too from somewhere. The chaeto still hasn't really taken off in there. I do like all these small brittle stars that crawl all over the chaeto that is there.

I bought 4 bangaii cardinals and the lfs is holding them in a QT tank for me for an extra $5 per fish and if any die before I pick them up I get a store credit. Seemed like a good deal to me. I travel a lot and a QT tank takes some TLC.
Also wanted to float this idea. To cut down on the film formation in the kalk storage, cut some bubble wrap and float a sheet of it on the surface. Anyone do something like that?
The tank is looking good. There isn't a thread of hair algae to be found. Been running carbon for a couple months so don't think I have much fluconazole left. I think my fish list is complete with 4 clowns, 4 bangaii cardinals, yellow eye kole tang, foxface rabbitfish, flame angel, bicolor blenny and a cleaner shrimp plus CUC of course. I'm considering a second cleaner shrimp so I can have them producing eggs which will just be food for the tank. Also considering an Azure or Starks damsel. I think I'd be better off with one of those than a cherub angel for my blue fish. The foxface has just discovered it can eat the dragons breath so I'm not sure how long it will last. All the green macro algae is gone and I'm guessing its the foxface responsible for that.

Here's the full tank shot.


Slimer is doing well with noticable advancement.


Christmas favia, and setana look good, and candy canes coming back.


Not so sure about the Smurf Blue Cyphastrea. Anyone have suggestions on whether it should be moved?


Been doing about 5 tsp of Calcium chloride, soda ash and magnesium weekly plus the kalk/vinegar in the ATO. Tank takes about a half gallon a day of top off water.

I got 4 bangaii cardinals which may be an issue but for now they are doing well. Trying to get them converted to freeze dried plankton. They'll eat it if I soak in selcon but still they prefer frozen. My problem is I'm leaving for 7 days and will rely on good automation for feeding.

Its getting cold and noticed the heater wasn't keeping up so added a second one in the overflow box.

So floss is more of a pain in the butt than filter socks but they both get plugged up in less than a week which is a problem with my trip coming up and I have a 10 day trip coming up shortly after. I think I'm just going to use a mesh sock while I'm gone. The Eshopps fuge overflows the water into the fuge section well enough but I don't want to starve the skimmer which seems possible if the sock gets totally plugged up. Also added a delay switch to the skimmer. If power goes out, I have a generator that kicks in after 30 seconds, but the skimmer would overflow before the pump lowers the sump level so this solves that problem.

I did get 10 filter socks so I'm planning on using the washing machine when I have 8 dirty ones and I'll just throw in my aquarium towel with them so I can just run a separate load. Any idea how they do in the dryer? Seems like the tumbling would help knock out more dirt.
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So another month, thought I'd update. Eventful day today. Last night when I set my Jebao pump to feed mode it had an error code on the restart indicating a stuck impeller. I had to pull it apart and vinegar soak. The calcium carbonate buildup was pretty gritty. So after the soak all was clean and thought I was in good shape. Came down this morning to find the ATO stuck on and 2 gallons of kalk water added over night. Nothing overflowed and pH was only 8.7 and all seems fine. Turns out I had hit the pressure sensor line to the ATO control. Next time I mess around back there and the ATO comes on I need to check to be sure it will turn off.

I had back to back trips that had me away from home for 7 days and a few days later for 8 days. The auto feeder worked great. I used the mesh filter sock and it lasted without backing up too bad. Everything came through just fine. I guess its only when you're messing with stuff that things go wrong.

Other than that, no new items and all the new fish and corals are settling in. The clowns are tending their eggs again and the kole tang just won't learn to stay away. I think the 4 bangaii's are paired off into two pairs. One I'm sure had eggs holding for a few days but they didn't go to term.

No sign of hair algae, I took out GFO and the cheato really took off. The dragons tongue was a tasty snack for the foxface, all gone except some in the fuge. Phosphates testing 0 to 0.02 on a Hanna.

So, I'm wondering how close to capacity I am with the stocking list. 4 clowns, 4 bangaii, kole tang, foxface, flame, and cleaner shrimp. Also snails, hermits, a brittle star and fighting conch. I'd like to get another cleaner shrimp and how they interact. Also considering either a Azure, or Stark damsel or a cherub angel to get a blue fish in the mix. I did lose my bicolor blenny. I think the kole tang just made life too miserable for him. Not sure if it was his colors or his shape that the kole didn't like. He doesn't chase any other fish.

The full tank shot


Clowns guarding their eggs and zoas moving onto a rock.


The green slimer growing


Favia, moon rock and setana doing well


Frogspawn in a happy place.

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For a change up I thought I'd post a bit about the Eshopps R 100 sump I went with. Gotta say after years of being sumpless, the sump offers a lot more options.


I like the channel design of this sump that allows water to take two paths through the sump. One path, about 90% of the flow, goes through the filter sock and then on to the skimmer before hitting the return pump. The other path avoids the sock and goes right to the refugium which overflows directly to the return pump and avoids the skimmer.

What I also like is that the water goes into the sump and then upflows to the filter sock. This is a good spot to put GFO if needed.

For the filter sock, after messing around with floss and various socks I find it best with a mesh sock with the top cut back as much as possible to fit inside the felt sock and I weigh the mesh sock down with a piece of rubble rock.

Also for this filter I found that air can get trapped in the space the filter sock is in so I put a small breathing tube in the top.


Over the refugium I have a 36 watt led grow light. It has 3 blue and 9 red leds, 3w each. You see I have a nice ball of cheato and the way the water enters the refugium it generates a nice rotation to the cheato ball. When it stops spinning I know its time to thin it out.


In the skimmer area I went with an Octo 110 which fits pretty well. I control the ATO with a level control in this area. Also float a bag of carbon and put a bag of biobeads in a bag rubber banded to the skimmer outflow.


The return pump is a Jebao DCT 4000 which at 4ft head is probably 600 to 800 gph.

I really recommend this sump. Stays pretty clean as these pictures show after about 5 months of running and phosphates are below 0.02 and nitrates non detect.

When the filter socks start to back up the water overflows into the refugium so flow there can increase a bit. I haven't seen any issue even with a badly plugged sock where the water had any issue getting through the refugium so it seems a pretty good failsafe. There is some very coarse sponge between the refugium and return as well as from the skimmer to the return.
I have some new items and a oddity I have a question on.

I scraped this stuff off a rock. It is very slow spreading and I assume some sort of algae but I've never run across this before. It spreads slowly and is hard to see on the rock here but it is a very thick film. You can see a piece I peeled off and have on my finger.


off this rock right in the middle of the pic


I also picked up a really cool rock flower anemone


And this neon green Kenya tree


Here is the whole tank pic


So I lost a bangaii cardinal and the third one isn't doing well. If I can catch him I'll return him to the LFS. The pair that had the eggs just ended up dominating the other two. I was able to catch a baby and put it in the refugium but a day later it was gone so I guess I'd need a better filter on the out flow next time.

Otherwise all is good. Still no algae other than that weird film stuff which is growing very very slowly. The foxface is a pig and getting big. The corals are all expanding. That kenya tree is amazing for a softy. The tips look like led bulbs glowing green.

I have been running the filter socks with a 100 micron mesh sock inserted in a felt sock and that seems to work well enough for the felt to last a week with a couple washes of the mesh sock every 2 or 3 days. If I'm gone for a week I just go with a 200 micron mesh sock.

I had to replace the rubber tubing for the ATO peristaltic pump after the tip where the water drips in sealed shut from calcium carbonate buildup. That needs to be checked once a month or so apparently.

Any thoughts on the algae
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So I think the tank is pretty set. Have all the fish I'm wanting at the moment and curious to see how things grow out. Picked up an Azure Damsel. I took one of the bangaii cardinals back to the LFS. He was a little banged up from the other two. I also snipped a branch off the green kenya tree and hope to see a couple new ones taking hold. I also boiled the barnacle tree to get rid of the stuff that was spreading all over. You can see the purple trails left.


I have the sump running pretty smooth. I remove a quart size ziplock filled with cheato and get a $5 credit at the LFS every two weeks. I was having issues with lots of scale build up where the kalk was coming into the skimmer section. Thats a good place to do the level control but not a good place to add kalk as the flow is too low. The Avast set up has a connector for the drip feed right next to the level control which is really just a bad idea. Now I add my top off water in front of the filter sock. I'm settled now on the 200 mesh nylon inside the felt sock and get about 5 days before the felt sock starts backing up flow and needs replacing. I save them up in a sealed bucket then run a load in the washing machine with half a cup of Oxyclean (sodium percarbonate) The bag of biopellets gets turned over pretty well with the outflow from the skimmer. The black mesh under the filter sock got dislodged when I was changing a sock but it had some small pieces of Polyfilter left over from cutting a ring out for my cichlid tank.

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