The tank is looking good. There isn't a thread of hair algae to be found. Been running carbon for a couple months so don't think I have much fluconazole left. I think my fish list is complete with 4 clowns, 4 bangaii cardinals, yellow eye kole tang, foxface rabbitfish, flame angel, bicolor blenny and a cleaner shrimp plus CUC of course. I'm considering a second cleaner shrimp so I can have them producing eggs which will just be food for the tank. Also considering an Azure or Starks damsel. I think I'd be better off with one of those than a cherub angel for my blue fish. The foxface has just discovered it can eat the dragons breath so I'm not sure how long it will last. All the green macro algae is gone and I'm guessing its the foxface responsible for that.
Here's the full tank shot.
Slimer is doing well with noticable advancement.
Christmas favia, and setana look good, and candy canes coming back.
Not so sure about the Smurf Blue Cyphastrea. Anyone have suggestions on whether it should be moved?
Been doing about 5 tsp of Calcium chloride, soda ash and magnesium weekly plus the kalk/vinegar in the ATO. Tank takes about a half gallon a day of top off water.
I got 4 bangaii cardinals which may be an issue but for now they are doing well. Trying to get them converted to freeze dried plankton. They'll eat it if I soak in selcon but still they prefer frozen. My problem is I'm leaving for 7 days and will rely on good automation for feeding.
Its getting cold and noticed the heater wasn't keeping up so added a second one in the overflow box.
So floss is more of a pain in the butt than filter socks but they both get plugged up in less than a week which is a problem with my trip coming up and I have a 10 day trip coming up shortly after. I think I'm just going to use a mesh sock while I'm gone. The Eshopps fuge overflows the water into the fuge section well enough but I don't want to starve the skimmer which seems possible if the sock gets totally plugged up. Also added a delay switch to the skimmer. If power goes out, I have a generator that kicks in after 30 seconds, but the skimmer would overflow before the pump lowers the sump level so this solves that problem.
I did get 10 filter socks so I'm planning on using the washing machine when I have 8 dirty ones and I'll just throw in my aquarium towel with them so I can just run a separate load. Any idea how they do in the dryer? Seems like the tumbling would help knock out more dirt.