From cube to super shallow circle

I have 8 fish but I will add some soon.
  1. yellow tail damsel
  2. sunburst anthias
  3. geometric hawkfish
  4. possum wrasse
  5. blue eye kole tang
  6. randalls gobie
  7. circus gobie
  8. purple firefish
I don't think I posted the dimensions so here they are. 40 x 10 x 1" acrylic I never figured out the gallons but maybe 50 something:worried:
I still can't believe that I have a circle tank and it's incredible to see in person. At night when the blue leds are on the 1" rim has a light blue glow . This is a daytime shot top down.
Had to post to subscribe I guess. Please keep us updated. Following along for possible cirle tank of my own in the future.

How much did the tank cost you.
I got a great deal on it:eek2: The guy who does my acrylic work couldn't believe the deal I got. Lets just say It was less than a GHL Mitras 6200HV by a few hundred.
There are a few imperfections in the acrylic like a small bug or a pollen spore. But nothing to cry over and one of the tanks had a mosquito in it. Super Cool !
Do your MPs get hot in the dry box? I realize that the water will keep it at a constant temp just think that it would need some air flow
  1. Pumps are running at 50percent reefcrest and I have a ceiling fan above tank that comes on when MH turns on
  2. Mangroves are not in sand yet and the leaves are falling off from shock , I pulled them up .
  3. Yes the tank was one of the three Cherry Corals had at MACNA
Saw this tNk in person this week and it is incredible. The corals are amazingly colored up and the craftsmanship is top notch. This tank needs to be nominated for tank of the month of sure.