From cube to super shallow circle

On the surface ! Once I have it repaired I will run the tank for a month with just water and make sure problem is solved.
I decided too clean my tank after a month because I hate looking at it . Had a major algae problem some I never seen before maybe tank is leaching something. Sump is clean with no algae and corals in sump and display look great. I also have been talking with company who made circle they said that they will make me a new one. I would have to pay for shipping:bigeyes:
Well at least its the back side :) sorta...

That stinks...all the work. What a weird thing, have heard or seen of such a thing happening before?

Excellent tank though, amazing reefer skills for sure.
Well at least its the back side :) sorta...That stinks...all the work. What a weird thing, have heard or seen of such a thing happening before?

Excellent tank though, amazing reefer skills for sure.
This started after about three weeks running and is about half way around and think it has stopped. Lucky the front view is good:hmm4: This WAS my fourth and favorite acrylic tank easy access I can remove everything is 15 minutes. The corals don't mind the white haze but the fish and I hate it:lmao:
Still waiting for my acrylic guy to finish my old tank:headwalls: He is so slow and the only guy in town. Got some new macroalgae for the and sump.
Also the bottom of the tank is perfect with no white film anywhere. I know for sure the bottom is acrylic the company who made tank said circle is acrylic also and was cut from a 60" tall tank with no problems. I did ask if the tank was used for salt or fresh and did the person run system with lots of flow. This was never answered
It will be a few weeks before I get the other circle and I will change a few things . I asked for no overflow or drilled holes. I want too use a circle overflow this time and move it about 5" from the back wall. I will also use my modded mp40 on the bottom this time around:eek2:This will give me a lot more room and flow. I have never tested it but I am sure it will work:worried:
I just got my new circle in today and it's beautiful with out the big overflow box in the middle. This time I will use a hang on the back prefilter box and my modded mp40:eek2:
that mod is very cool!!
and you'll have so much depth now with the overflow on the back
I can't wait to see this baby back up and running.
What did you use for that pm mod? I'm looking to do something similar with an mp10 on my BB, just to direct flow. Just a pvc elbow?
that mod is very cool!!
and you'll have so much depth now with the overflow on the back
I can't wait to see this baby back up and running.
The tank was only half filled when I did test run. I am only waiting for my prefilter and It's on like donkey Kong.
What did you use for that pm mod? I'm looking to do something similar with an mp10 on my BB, just to direct flow. Just a pvc elbow?

It's a 2" abs dwv 90 and a dremel tool here is picture of two I made:hmm4: the other is called vent 90
Drain waste vent. Nice, if only we could get that in black here in NZ. One last Q; did you snip the covers on the outlet side?