New member
Hey all. My boyfriend and I broke up and I just cant afford to keep the tank going. I am trying to sell my BC as a package.
First of all: the whole tank needs a good cleaning (aka detritus, algae and gross filmy stuff that I cant reach at the moment because it is mostly in the back chambers). If you are willing to come and take it all down with buckets and etc. Then I will give you a discount. Everything is about 2 years old.
Livestock FS:
Pair of Ocellarus Clowns - bonded for 2 yrs.
Mellanarus Wrasse (beware - he WILL need to leave this size tank in probably another few months. Also he eats EVERY detritus cleaner in the tank! I've got almost no micro starfish when they were once EVERYWHERE. He also DEFINITELY eats Red Planaria as he wiped out all of mine QUICKLY! But things are getting dirty in there now! He has left me with a couple of snails and maybe 2 hermits - not much of a CUC)
As I mentioned: a couple snails and hermits and LOTS of empty shells.
One rock with about 22 green & yellow Rics, 2 red shrooms & a rock nem.
Another rock with 4 blue rics, 1 "halloween" ric, & 4 purple and orange rics (by the time this is sold the rics could possibly split yet again.) 17 Blowpop Zoa polyps which could use a little help. 15ish polyps of Fire & Ice Zoas.
A 7 head Lord Acan - just dark orange.
A baby toadstool.
A large leather about 4-5" across which hosts my clowns oddly enough.
Some Xenia
And lastly a green & purple hammer with 3 or 4 heads.
Equipment FS:
Tank: Coralife Biocube 29G with a black stand that could use a little sprucing up.
Lighting: 2 y/o Reefbreeders Value LEDs
Return: Cobalt MJ1200
Flow: 3 Koralia 425s & an Aqueon 700 (not all set up currently)
Oceanic Intank Media & Refugium
A bunch of other stuff such as the original lid with bulbs that probably have 2-3 months in them, salt boxes, half a bucket of Phosguard, AquaticLife 112 skimmer that I never could figure out, API test kits, brand new timers I never set up bc they were too big for my power strip, 5g bottles, bucket(s) Refractometer, etc.
All you really need to add is a new thermometer (you can use the one in there to start) & a new magnet cleaner.
Again: the tank needs a good cleaning, the light needs to be blasted with air to get rid of dust (or taken apart to clean the fans) could stand to have some new sand & more rock added. Currently having a detritus & hair algae outbreak on an empty rock that has no coral on it but thats because all of my detritus & algae eaters have been eaten by the wrasse. So, for ALL of it I would like $450. Will discount if you do most or all the work.
Also FS separately:
Jebao RW-4. In tank for one day but blew everything around. Just needs some dust rinsed off. For that I would like $60
Reg 29g tank with ur standard lights that come with the Aqueon set for FW + stand that needs a bit of reinforcement + whatever is in the stand from my FW days lol throw it out or w/e = $45
An AquaClear 50: $30
Im in the SECOND floor in Norwich (aka STAIRS). Please be PATIENT with me getting back to you. I will set an alarm to check the boards daily as I forget ALMOST EVERYTHING once work is over!
This is the end for now.
First of all: the whole tank needs a good cleaning (aka detritus, algae and gross filmy stuff that I cant reach at the moment because it is mostly in the back chambers). If you are willing to come and take it all down with buckets and etc. Then I will give you a discount. Everything is about 2 years old.
Livestock FS:
Pair of Ocellarus Clowns - bonded for 2 yrs.
Mellanarus Wrasse (beware - he WILL need to leave this size tank in probably another few months. Also he eats EVERY detritus cleaner in the tank! I've got almost no micro starfish when they were once EVERYWHERE. He also DEFINITELY eats Red Planaria as he wiped out all of mine QUICKLY! But things are getting dirty in there now! He has left me with a couple of snails and maybe 2 hermits - not much of a CUC)
As I mentioned: a couple snails and hermits and LOTS of empty shells.
One rock with about 22 green & yellow Rics, 2 red shrooms & a rock nem.
Another rock with 4 blue rics, 1 "halloween" ric, & 4 purple and orange rics (by the time this is sold the rics could possibly split yet again.) 17 Blowpop Zoa polyps which could use a little help. 15ish polyps of Fire & Ice Zoas.
A 7 head Lord Acan - just dark orange.
A baby toadstool.
A large leather about 4-5" across which hosts my clowns oddly enough.
Some Xenia
And lastly a green & purple hammer with 3 or 4 heads.
Equipment FS:
Tank: Coralife Biocube 29G with a black stand that could use a little sprucing up.
Lighting: 2 y/o Reefbreeders Value LEDs
Return: Cobalt MJ1200
Flow: 3 Koralia 425s & an Aqueon 700 (not all set up currently)
Oceanic Intank Media & Refugium
A bunch of other stuff such as the original lid with bulbs that probably have 2-3 months in them, salt boxes, half a bucket of Phosguard, AquaticLife 112 skimmer that I never could figure out, API test kits, brand new timers I never set up bc they were too big for my power strip, 5g bottles, bucket(s) Refractometer, etc.
All you really need to add is a new thermometer (you can use the one in there to start) & a new magnet cleaner.
Again: the tank needs a good cleaning, the light needs to be blasted with air to get rid of dust (or taken apart to clean the fans) could stand to have some new sand & more rock added. Currently having a detritus & hair algae outbreak on an empty rock that has no coral on it but thats because all of my detritus & algae eaters have been eaten by the wrasse. So, for ALL of it I would like $450. Will discount if you do most or all the work.
Also FS separately:
Jebao RW-4. In tank for one day but blew everything around. Just needs some dust rinsed off. For that I would like $60
Reg 29g tank with ur standard lights that come with the Aqueon set for FW + stand that needs a bit of reinforcement + whatever is in the stand from my FW days lol throw it out or w/e = $45
An AquaClear 50: $30
Im in the SECOND floor in Norwich (aka STAIRS). Please be PATIENT with me getting back to you. I will set an alarm to check the boards daily as I forget ALMOST EVERYTHING once work is over!
This is the end for now.