Fsurocks99's 40 Breeder

very nice tank!

Thanks Bob!

So, the system will be turning one in 15 days (technically, it'll be three years old, started it on Aug. 16th, 2010), but the system crashed in year two. While I never stopped the tank, I changed things quite a bit. Anyways....I hope to get some comparison pics up within next week or so. It's been a crazy year for me (my b-day is today) and the tank! :celeb1::celeb1::celeb1:
Ok so here is the one year update....

Right Side
Aug 2012

May 2013

Aug 2013 (sorry for the blurry shot)

Aug 2012

May 2013

Aug 2013

Left Side
Aug 2012

May 2013

Aug 2013

May 2013

Aug 2013

Green Slimmer (use the corals around it and the trim on the wall outside of tank to see difference in size)
Dec 2012

March 2013

Aug 2013

I think that's enough pics for now. Thanks for looking!
I agree everything's looking happy. Great growth and color!

What bulb combo are you running? I remember it used to be 4 Blue Plus and 2 Fiji Purple (or Purple Plus). I'm starting to build a fixture to replace my halide, and I'm looking for bulb combos. Have you ever used an ATI Coral Plus bulb?
I agree everything's looking happy. Great growth and color!

What bulb combo are you running? I remember it used to be 4 Blue Plus and 2 Fiji Purple (or Purple Plus). I'm starting to build a fixture to replace my halide, and I'm looking for bulb combos. Have you ever used an ATI Coral Plus bulb?

Thanks man. Yep, I was running 4 blue + and 2 Purple +. I then tried several different combos:
4 blue +, 1 aquablue special and 1 purple + (too white)
4 blue + and 2 coral +
4 blue +, 1 coral + and 1 true actinic 03 (almost too blue/purple, but liked the actinic for dawn/dusk)

Currently, I'm running:
3 blue +, 2 coral + and 1 purple +

If I had to choose, it'd be between what I'm running now or 4 blue + and 2 coral +. Hope that helps!
Thanks, that helps a ton. You and I both liked the 4 blue+ and 2 purple+ look. I also didn't care for the 4 blue+, 1 ab special and 1 purple+ combo. It's too white for me as well. I mention that to say that we have similar lighting taste.

My fixture will only have 5 bulbs, but I was thinking of 3 blue+ and 2 coral+. Do you think that might be too white?

I've never seen a coral+ in person.
Thanks, that helps a ton. You and I both liked the 4 blue+ and 2 purple+ look. I also didn't care for the 4 blue+, 1 ab special and 1 purple+ combo. It's too white for me as well. I mention that to say that we have similar lighting taste.

My fixture will only have 5 bulbs, but I was thinking of 3 blue+ and 2 coral+. Do you think that might be too white?

I've never seen a coral+ in person.

Hmm, yeah that may be a little too white. But I think 4 blue + and 1 coral + would be too blue....Maybe 3 blue +, 1 purple + and 1 coral +?

A coral + is about 15k, which is between a blue + and an aquablue special.
This thread needs a 2014 update! :D

Wow sahin, has it been that long already? Hard to believe.

I've been in and out of the country over the last 7 months and just recently returned from my last trip. So not going to give any close-ups until I get a chance to clean things up!

The tank has been doing fairly well with only a minor flow hiccup. The red planet on the left side took up the entire flow from the mp10 and I'm guessing it took me some time to realize it...so, I switched the configuration of the vortechs and placed the mp40 on the left and mp10 on the right. Everything is pretty much back to the way it looked now.

But here are a few shots I just took with my iPhone...


Wow, speechless, still amazing. I need to re-read your thread now to refresh my memory on how this awesomeness came to be! Your SPS grew like crazy, giant anemone on the back right?