FYI for homemade 2-part users!


New member

Apparently Dow manufactured CaCl is now high in Bromine and thus unsuitable for reef use. Popular products impacted are Dowflake and Prestone Driveway Heat.

Tetra chemicals have a few options available that may be suitable as replacements for mixing up Part 1 solution, perhaps a few of us can go in on a 50lb bag.

...anybody have a used Ca Reactor and CO2 system that they want to sell me? ;)
Ive got a 2' tall 4" dia. caco3 rxntor with with speed fits and a mag three on it able to run a 2nd chamber..
I used to use it on my 180 but now have no use for it ..
I have an extra co2 regulator (brass welding type)as well..
lol. I am so glad I got the 50lb box a few months ago. I should be set for the next 2+ years. :)

Although, I am courious what will happen now that there is a market nitch for 2 part checmicals. I am sure somebody will see the value and come up with something. Dow and their low price have been a big factor in others carrying / making it availible to the aquatic market.