Humaguy synopsis on the efficacy of garlic for marine fish

Garlic for fish is nonsense in any form. I also doubt it stimulates their appetite. I tried it for that purpose and they wouldn't even touch the food after smelling it.

Beta 1,3D Glucan is a good immune booster according to this article: Beta Glucan As A Biological Defense Modulator: Helping Fish To Help Themselves

I tried it with two percula that had a bad case of Lymphocystis. While possibly coincidental, they cleared up quickly after that.

Absolutely! I have totally eliminated vampires from our neighborhood!!!

So do you want us to call you "Buffy" from now on :D
If terrestrial plant oil is bad for reef fish then how about flake food, pellet food? I am pretty sure there are plenty of various terrestrial stuff in there including oil. I also consider artificial food contains a balanced nutrition that frozen/live food cannot provide.

Great write up I definitely learned a lot tonight. Thanks.
If terrestrial plant oil is bad for reef fish then how about flake food, pellet food? I am pretty sure there are plenty of various terrestrial stuff in there including oil. I also consider artificial food contains a balanced nutrition that frozen/live food cannot provide.

Great write up I definitely learned a lot tonight. Thanks.

Yes, I also wonder how good it is to feed our fish pellets or flakes made with wheat flour. So I only feed pellets a few times a week soaked in Selcon. The rest frozen foods only.


Am new to marine fish keeping. All my fish food has garlic in it. From flakes to frozen. Should I stop using the food. Of just keep feeding
Ok, My question is this. What if anything can we add to our homemade foods that could act as a fish safe, reef safe immumostimulent or anti parasitic ingredient? hufas, omega 3?

Any research to add anyone?

beta - glucan
It's recommended among many others in Noga's Fish Disease book.
I was asked to make this post a sticky. Before doing that, it seems best to have some feedback.

Humaguy, if you would prefer this post not be separated from the original thread it was a part of, please let me know and I can make this thread go "poof".

So what's about making this a sticky? (ideally on multiple sub-forums so nobody misses it)
I think there has been enough positive feedback towards it.

Garlic in fish food is just utter nonsense and I even doubt that it is really enticing fish to eat. At best it is like Humaguy stated raising their interest.
I've tried once to feed my fish NLS medicated food that also contained garlic, but my fish were smarter than me and refused to eat it.
Most of the garlic additives on the market will have a low concentration of the chemical compound Allicin. I have heard that garlic will cause liver problems in fish.

I have only used garlic once as a stimulate to get a trio of Waitei Anthias eating while in my 10g QT. BUT.....I didn't buy an over the counter product. I used my slow gear juicer and I juiced my own garlic juice. I only used 1 drop in my QT. It totally worked, but I used this as a last resort since everything I tried to get them to eat didn't work. And ....I literally only used it for like 2-3 days, with doing large water changes in between. are going to use garlic juice, I would juice your own, and DO NOT soak your food in it. The stuff you just juiced is super concentrated and will do more harm than good. Better to dilute it in the tank water.

Garlic is potent stuff, and should be only be used VERY SPARINGLY and ONLY in last resort situations, when all other means have failed.
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I am glad that humaguy take the time, do the search to do this write up. I am a Medical Doctor and I have never use garlic because I never able to come up with any reliable information regarding how it works. All the so call evidences that garlic works are worthless hypes that are so full of illogical , worthless nonsense.

This thread should be a sticky thread so that Reef Central, and humaguy in this case, can help dispelling myth-information's.
I am glad that humaguy take the time, do the search to do this write up. I am a Medical Doctor and I have never use garlic because I never able to come up with any reliable information regarding how it works. All the so call evidences that garlic works are worthless hypes that are so full of illogical , worthless nonsense.

This thread should be a sticky thread so that Reef Central, and humaguy in this case, can help dispelling myth-information's.

I love garlic on my steak, and as a consequence, I do not have ich. The truth about stickies is that virtually no one reads them.
I think the ich just fell off Snorvich and is laying dormant on his floor and that he will be reinfected later.