Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

Search for Zeovit and Prodibio and you'll get numerous hits. Basically they are different methods using different products to enhance corals.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7161443#post7161443 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Psyire
Nice Frags Gabriel. can't wait to see your system mature and grow.

thanks Psyire so long as i dont do anything SUPER STUPID and crahs my tank i think that it will really be something to look at..

i also got another frag pack from reefermadness.. the tank has over 50 frags now..

I will post pics this weekend..

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7162995#post7162995 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fareforce
What are these? Is there a website?

yes there are Zeo and prodibio and here as well for prodibio

i OD my tank on Zeo.. i ran it the way that the website said to run it but it was too much and i have lost 2 frags and 2 others frags are ify..
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the zeo has been around for a while and yes they have some proven results.. the totm snipersps used to run zeo..

and as far as pridibio iwan runs it on his tank and his tank looks like this
I'm gonna go brush up on my photoshop skills. I think that'll be the easiest way to make my tank look as good as that one! :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7166548#post7166548 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
the zeo has been around for a while and yes they have some proven results.. the totm snipersps used to run zeo..

and as far as pridibio iwan runs it on his tank and his tank looks like this

Everytime I see iwans tank I am blown away :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

I know I could probably do a simple search and find out, but does anyone know iwan's website? I would like to see what kind of lighting he is running. TIA!
Where are the pics of the tank all put together ? I am also in Socal and plan on contacting socal creations.... I have to ask... how much (ballpark) was the stand and canopy (steel frame included) ? Please tell me so I can guage what I am getting myself into. THank you. P.S.... your tank is probally the most beautiful setup I have ever seen !!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7172586#post7172586 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by swellsearcher
Where are the pics of the tank all put together ? I am also in Socal and plan on contacting socal creations.... I have to ask... how much (ballpark) was the stand and canopy (steel frame included) ? Please tell me so I can guage what I am getting myself into. THank you. P.S.... your tank is probally the most beautiful setup I have ever seen !!!!


Thank you for the compliment but i think that i still have a loooong way to get my tank to look like someothers here on RC

Socalcreations did not make my stand and canopy .. a fellow reefer Sean made it but he lives in Kansas...

Socal make my steel stand and sump. the dimensions are a little large but they are cool guys.. just give them a call and they can give you a price over the phone

Tank should be put all together next week.. waiting on 1 part to my aquatonica and then i will be done.
Man I just went to Gabriels house last week, was there for around 40 minutes and when i arrived home I felt like I was staring at a 12g nano.... Awesome start!!! cant wait to see how it looks with the Reef Steroids!:D
