Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

I know some people use that Great Stuff insulation foam. You might be able to sculpt that to a desired effect? I have seen some people do the back wall with it. It looks ok but if you sculpted it and maybe added in some sand or rubble pieces it might look nice.
Be very careful with the spray foam. I have experimented with it and it is extremely boyant. It released from the back of a glass FWP tank I was using for experimentation. Ultimately I had to remove it and silicone it to egg crate. It really looks great but it CANNOT be shaped because it collapses when it is not cured.

I layed the tank on the back and positioned rocks. Then I foamed around them. My later experiments have been for my reef tank, trying to create custom structures to hide plumbing. This time I used the foam (not Hany Foam but another product from Dr. Fosters) and coated it with resin and sprinkled it with crushed coral sand. This turned out a really nice looking structure that in time would blend well into the reef, much like Energy's. The major problem is with boyancy to the point that I am going to call it a loss and make fake rocks with white cement & sand.

I cannot pile enough reef rock on top of a foamed milk crate to compensate for the boyancy. I am going to drill some real rocks and use acrylic dowels too.

Unless you are going to spray the back and sides of the tank where it will adhere well, I don't recommend using it. Since I will be using Vortech pumps, I need the tank walls to be clean. I am really happy with the final looke in my FWP tank, but I just don't think it will be practical in the reef system.

You can see a couple pics of the FWP tank foam construction in my gallery.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7009267#post7009267 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tankslave
.... Speaking of columns, Ken you still know where that thread with pics of peoples' columns was?
You mean this one Show me your Pillar's

And a few I was playing with when cleaning my rock last weekend,

haha, i was typing in "show me your columns" and couldnt find it for the life of me... :D

What about regular ole concrete? I know they make concrete aquariums all the time for larger exhibits... I dont know how much silicate is in it, but once it is cured, i dont know if much of it could leach out...
hmmm, yea, I did try that acrylic rod method, and it works pretty well. Just need a mason bit. The LR I found seemed to be made from old concrete rubble, and drilled pretty easily. The nice thing about that is that you get a very strong joint between two rocks, but it looks like they're just stacked together very precariously... :D
They are from Captive Oceans (Zeo fame) I picked these from Moonpod when he couldn't use all of what he ordered.



I see you have an open top canopy. I'm thinking about have an open top as well and I'm curious about how much light escapes? Is this a major annoyance?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7044391#post7044391 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by marino420td

I see you have an open top canopy. I'm thinking about have an open top as well and I'm curious about how much light escapes? Is this a major annoyance?

i am getting as much light as Jeff is.. But my tank is in its own room so if i want total darkenss i just close the door to the room, ill take a oic of it tonight so you can see what it looks like...


I got a few new Frags from Eric(fragfarmer)... I am starting Zeo and prodibio tomorrow... i have a huge group order coming in from Keys Critters.. over 2000 critters so ill have my hands busy passing them out..

But here are some pics of whats i got...
pink Zoanthids

a nice light green/gold colony

purple tip tri color

the colors are not really showing with the camera.. i think i have to take pictures at night with no daylight in the room to get the best colors...

and finally my Zeo reactor which i will move into my fuge..

and the Prodibio which i am sure everyone in this room knows about thanks to iwan... hope this does for my tank what it does for his...

I also have to say that i am really impressed with the Wavy seas... i like them a lot more than i thought i would.. i only with they had a 10 min stop buttom so that when i feed i would not have to worry about the Wavy seas blowing the food all over the tank..

I also lost 3 frags over the passed week or so.. so i am so 33 frags in the tank.. i knew i was going to lose one as soon as i put it in the tank.. he just didnt look that hot. All the other frags and colonies are doing well.. i hope to be able to post growth pictures soon...
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Hey Gabriel,
When are you going to put that stand cover in place! Aren't you through messing with the stuff underneath yet? :)
I need some pics of that beautiful tank (with the stand/canopy intact) for my portfolio in progress. ;)
Tank is looking good. Just imagine how sweet it will be in just a short time!
LOL Sean i know... i know i have been having some problems with my aquatronica and got all new stuff last week but 1 of the new powerbars will not work so i am waiting on the replacement.. once i get it.. this week i hope, i will bring the stand up... i havent parked in my gargage since new years!

I must be driving you nuts

I am having a BBQ for my Bday in a few weeks so this tank HAS TO BE READY!!!

I promise Sean 2 weeks MAX.. then you can see what all your hard work looks like when its all put together?

what about you? still planning the 500 gallon tank? havent seen you on RC lately?
I was actually getting kind of burned out and frustrated recently, having several nice frags and a few small colonies I had grown from frags, RTN on me over a period of a few weeks, and I lost a $200 pink yuma rock that was awesome, but alas all the shrooms just died off. That, along with the fairly recent PH problem that also caused me to lose 4 nice colonies, really made me step back and reconsider what I'm doing. I've decided to let the tank sit 'as is' for the next several months until I get some motivation again to add something new. It had become a money pit with at least $600 worth of corals dieing off and being thrown out. I was seriously considering getting out of the hobby, so the 6x6 cube has been put on hold until I'm sure I'm ready for that commitment. I'm also still very much considering going back to a softy reef. These darn SPS are too stressful at times.
Also, I'm starting a new large vivarium (built by Scott) that will sit next to the reef that has my attention at the moment. I'm going to add some colorful dart frogs, tree frogs, and some day geckos and maybe a few other herpes to make it a little rainforest biotope. Complete with misting systems, water falls, and lots of live tropical plants. Its going to be fun.
Sorry for the novel. You know I like to talk too much ;)
lol that sounds awesome, you are quite the hobbiest!

I know what you mean about getting fustrated and devoting a lot of time... these SPS have me loosing sleep sometimes...

I am glad that i have only lost a couple of frags and nothing "big" i am lucky in that i am close to fragfarmer and reefermadness and have meet both Eric and Chris.. before i do anything major to the tank i call one of them to make sure what i am doing will not cause any problems with the tank.. they are both great and knowledgeable guys who are willing to help whenever they can...

i will be sure to give credit where credit is due and plaster you name on the pics of the stand and canopy.. i cant wait to actually see the whole thing together..