Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6993606#post6993606 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fareforce
So, you think 3 wavy's + my clossed loop would work fine? I just want to make sure I will have enough flow in this thing the first time. I don't want a single powerhead in the tank.

that would be great flow... are you going BB? if so i might suggest putting a spray bar along the bottom back shooting water foward from the back. If i were to do this again thats the one thing i would add.
I havn't decided between BB or SSB.. If I go shallow I will be using black tihitian sand and only about 1-2".

I guess I could run a piece of 1/4" - 1/2" black PVColong the back edge just above my sand, and spray forward. Due to my rock design it would be very visable.
before you go with black sand talk to psyire he put black sand in his 180 and after a few months he said that it does not look good... (does not stay black)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7002354#post7002354 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Julio
what settign do you have your wavysea set to?

i have both on 6 that is a nice speed.. its the fastest that it goes but i have each wavy sea doing over 230 degrees turn
Gabriel, have you tried to run each one at a different speed so that the flow is even more random. They won't sync up that way.
I read the link on tahitan black sand. I think the sand would look nice, but i think it would be hard to keep clean. :)
I am partial to somthing on the botom-not bb.

Whatever you decide I think this tank will be sweet.

i have them set up so that they are opposite one another... the real movement in my tank comes from the tunze 6200's.. but i see what you are saying.. but even at speed 6 it takes 24 seconds for the wavysea to make 1 pass.

Gabe, it's coming along nice!

As for those contemplating black sand, I still advise against it. If you like the 'black' look, then go with black starboard. I will be removing the black sand in a few years when I move the tank.
yeah it starting.. still going to take a few years before all these flat pieces of live rock are covered with coral, thats the only problem with frags...

lol you cant even see the coral in the pics, i have over 35 frags in there believe it or not...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7007541#post7007541 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fareforce
What about mixing black, and white sand?

What is black starboard? just plexi?

it what they make cutting board out of.. that plastic like stuff...
Bebo77- the full tank shot looks a lot less green this time, whatever u have been doing it appears to be working.

Keep up the good work, can't wait to see the frags grow out.
anyone ever use that stuff that sprung and delbeek mentioned, "thorite" i think it was called. It looked like the stuff they make those faux rocks at disneyland out of. Might make some cool arches and columns. Speaking of columns, Ken you still know where that thread with pics of peoples' columns was?
I have no idea. I was hoping someone else might have tried it already. I was thinking of doing some overhangs and arches with the next tank, but I'm hesistant because I know some of those mixes have a lot of silicate in them...
I was thinking that too. I'm not sure of exactly what the substance is composed of, but I would be unsure of putting it in my tank.(Unless I knew what it was exactly)

If it is infact chemically inert and silicate free, it would be a great material to make faux caves, overhangs and other things with.

THis product seems like it could be the new handy foam stuff people are using to make backrounds with. :)
