Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

Cracked em with nipples? You must have been cranking on them! What I was questioning is 10 - 3" BHs. I mean, that's a lot of big holes! Funny thing is that my 1000g display will operate with only 4 - 1" BHs that were already in the tank for return water. Some will come over the top from the refugium as well. Most of my flow will be from Ice Cap power heads.:D
Dude Gabriel ease up on the wheaties. Those hayward bulkheads are shall we say....overengineered for the rest of us....

You broke a couple? Wow! Never had that happen before, first time for everything I suppose :)

IME, 3-5 wraps with heavey duty Teflon tape and hand tighten is all you need for these fittings. *Maybe* 1/4" with wrench but usually not necessary.

Keep up the good work :)

Clear tubing will grow algae in time. By wrapping it in tape, you keep it in the dark, keeping algae from growing.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6394461#post6394461 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
, I myself have 4 different savings, and then anything after that is ours to do with what we like...
i used to have savings...1 year's worth of house payments.... then i got married and found out how fast the squirrel can make the caged wheel spin....:love2: :inlove: :love1:
Wow what i day yesterday(Monday)... like Murphy laws says what can go wrong will go wrong... I lost power at 10:45 am i thought no problem it will come back in a min.. I live in LA power never goes out except for earthquakes

So i leave and go get some supplies and a few fish from FISHSUPPLY they just opened the wearhouse to the public.. nice selection and even better prices(picked up 2 true clowns 2 yellow tanks and some dry goods(ozone)...anyways

I get home a few hours later still no power.. now I am starting to worry. At 4:30 i see all my fish gasping for air at the surface of my 60gal. I immediately run out to Costco and get a generator get home and start setting it up... by now 3 damsels are dead, i have had them since day 1, and my tangs are on the floor gasping for air!!!

I know i will not be able to get my tank up and running to save them in them so i grab my net and put each one in my 300 gallon that is 1/2 full and start to pray. I hook up the generator to a tunze and the heater and hope that this will get them through the night. I left the generator running till midnight and then turned it off. Its is VERY loud, even though i had it in my garage.

Power was restored at 2:30 am.

Wake up this morning at 6:30 and what do i see.. all my fish swimming very happily in the 300.. Thank GOD!!!

So now i have a 1/2 finished 300 gallon that is full(kind of) of fish...

I am doing a 100% water change on my 60 and hope to have it up and running by Wed night.

Ps crate will arrive any min will post pics as soon as i get it.
Yieks! ... I gotta get that 1,000 watt inverter and battery set up running (just sitting in a work truck unused right now) I been lucky as we get short outages all the time.
Yeah i was told to get a generator in the first page of my thread... i though i would have a while to get one but.....

The stand and Canopy just arrived ill take some pics in a few.. that thing weighed over 1,500 LBS. LOL I could not move it alone and I am a pretty strong guy... Sean told me it weighed 500 lbs<img src="">... I had to take it apart to get it off the truck... from what i can see it is BEAUTIFUL<img src=""><img src="">
From what it looked like packed, you could build a small room addition (fish room) with the packing crate!