Wow what i day yesterday(Monday)... like Murphy laws says what can go wrong will go wrong... I lost power at 10:45 am i thought no problem it will come back in a min.. I live in LA power never goes out except for earthquakes
So i leave and go get some supplies and a few fish from FISHSUPPLY they just opened the wearhouse to the public.. nice selection and even better prices(picked up 2 true clowns 2 yellow tanks and some dry goods(ozone)...anyways
I get home a few hours later still no power.. now I am starting to worry. At 4:30 i see all my fish gasping for air at the surface of my 60gal. I immediately run out to Costco and get a generator get home and start setting it up... by now 3 damsels are dead, i have had them since day 1, and my tangs are on the floor gasping for air!!!
I know i will not be able to get my tank up and running to save them in them so i grab my net and put each one in my 300 gallon that is 1/2 full and start to pray. I hook up the generator to a tunze and the heater and hope that this will get them through the night. I left the generator running till midnight and then turned it off. Its is VERY loud, even though i had it in my garage.
Power was restored at 2:30 am.
Wake up this morning at 6:30 and what do i see.. all my fish swimming very happily in the 300.. Thank GOD!!!
So now i have a 1/2 finished 300 gallon that is full(kind of) of fish...
I am doing a 100% water change on my 60 and hope to have it up and running by Wed night.
Ps crate will arrive any min will post pics as soon as i get it.