garf bonsai

I have mine in a pretty low light but still remain light brown... Deep purple is so hard to get sometime, just like the purple many times people really see them really dark purple??
Middle tank, high flow, LEDs

Well, mine browned out on me so about a month ago I tried moving it lower.. so far.. no dice :( Does seem to be growing but pretty slow, still not branching yet either.. Any thoughts?

I'm getting a frag today and have been digging around a bit. One of the consistent themes that I hear is that this coral is pretty sensitive to nutrient levels in the tank and achieves its best growth and coloration with lower nutrient levels. Hope it comes around for you.

Middle tank, high flow, LEDs


Nice I totally forgotten about this thread. How far you have it from your led? Do you dose anything??

I have it like 3/4 down on my tank..slight light purple with small green polyps. I think i need skimmer and a sump
kind of OT.....but mine(garf) was a light purple color, much lighter than desired, and my baseball sized colony had been stn'ing for months deep inside. I finally cut it up into 20 frags, and several good sized hunks of encrustment. That was a coupel of weeks ago and without exception, all frags of it are now darker and better looking than it was and half of them are in the exact same spot as before the fragging.

So my suggestion is that if you want it darker, cut it up lol

ok...not really but kind of an intersting result
Righ now my is in mid to lower bottom has the light purple tips but I do have one that has darker purple switch is a smaller frags about 1" my other is a large colony take a look


I think it depends on the lighting- I am running T-5's
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hmm mine finally started to purple up but, then kinda halted went into a growth spurt. I'm now finally getting some upwards growth. I've had it in the same spot for some time now, but am thinking of moving it to a slightly lower light spot.
Hi All,

I got my Purple Bonzai mostly brown and it has encrusted quite a bit with the tips showing some purple. It sits on the bare floor of my 48x24x14 tank lighted by 2x 54W ATI blue plus + 2x 150 MH (14k i think).

So far the only consistent message is low nutrients. Rather than screwing around placement and lighting, I'm going to try weekly water changes to drive my nutrients down. Do of you bright purple bonzai owners keep fishes in your tanks? I'm wondering what your bioload is.

Here's mine, grown from a small frag, I thought they're also called Acropora Nana?

It went from this in June 2010:

To this in Jan 2011:
I found this thread after posting a thread of my own. I have a frag that was deep purple with great PE after it started encrusting and growing vertical it has paled out some but is growing good. It sits high under six bulb t-5 fixture.
here is my Garf bonsai I got about a month ago. It is slowly starting to turn a darker purple. I have it 6" off the bottom of my 24" deep tank. T5's. pic with my cell.

I have a decent sized frag of this that I acquired about a year ago. It has always been about 18" from 4 T5s. My tank went through a four month period of neglect a while ago, but is now getting healthy again.

This frag is like others have described, a pale pinkish brown with, until recently, no growth. It has started to grow a bit and has better PE in the last few weeks, but hasn't started to color up. Should I move it lower or leave it as is? It would be tough to move it down and have it be secure. Moving it to the sandbed - I'd say 28" from the light - would be too low I would think, especially since it's under T5s only.
