
GARF was freely giving out information on set uporal tanks and propogating corlas wg hen other were all just trying to profit by grwing coral and sharing their knowledge with no one. Perhap most of you have m not been keeping marine tanks and cp orals long enough to remeber the likes of Albert Thiel. He charged for everything he provided to the reef community. Hell he even registered the name Kalkwasser in the USA. His web site was one of the very frst sites and you had to pay to access it. even look at the majority of the expert who only gave out information through the se ale of retail books or huge speaker fees. GARF is a non profit organization who employees huge numbers of students in the fields of biology and fisheries sciences. They for years taught classes to public marine aquariums on coral propagation. They have spent huge amonts of time and money or coral reef restoration projects and in teaching pacfic islanders how to make rocks for aquaculure as well as teaching them to frag corals. And they did this while all the industry greats made huge sums of money writing books and making public appearances for huge sums.

Gesham, other than profiting through your own reef related ventures what great things have you given freely to the reef aquarium hobbiests? There are takers and givers in this world and Garf has done a lot of giving. What have you given. I do not even remen mber your name from the other forum sections so that shows how much I have thought of wht information or knowledge you have shared over in the trenchs where most question are asked. Perhaps if I wasted more time over here in the less informed areas of the forum your name might mean something, but the few times I have come over here I have found little to impress me.

I have been receiving many things from GARF at no cost for many years and I have bought many nice propagated corals from them over the years very cheaply. None ever bore your name. They have spent the extra time to do airport shipments to me where they had to be at air freight before 7 in the morning. So tell me what makes you special as they certainly are special and I do not see that in you.

Ask some of those such as Anthony Calfo, Sprung, Delbeek, Riddle, Toonen, Fenner or the now older greats "experts" such as Thiel how much they have done for the hobbiest reef aquarist that they did not get paid sweetly for. At best the reserchers post abstracts or short versions of college papers they were paid a salary to write and that is preety much required of them to maintain there reputations in the academic community and maintain their jobs at those colleges where they are employeed. Sprung seldom publishes any research papers he instead just writes/contributes to retail books to make money not share freely with the reef keeping community. He obviouly does not need the money he makes from the sale of his books.

So is GARF a great asset to the reef keeping community. Very, very much so. Without people like them we would still be paying to access sites such as RC. With out people like them we would still all be using Halide lights and buying all the snake oils sold by "experts" like Albert Thiel.

If you have what you consider smut on GARF keep it to yourself until after you have given more to the reef keeping community than they have. Some how I do not hink that time will ever come.
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I still don´t get it.

Can someone say what is wrong with GARF?
I just think it´s not a good thing to spend time talking bad about anybody that didn´t do anything wrong.

Also, I don´t think we should talk about the others also (autors, books, magazines). You know why? That´s rude!

The people that did something for the hobby (for money or for free!) are part of us (aquarium comunity),and should be respected, like we expect to be respected, right?

If GARF did something wrong (by mistake or not), it should be spoken to them. Why don´t you call them and tell them, but instead post stuff about them?

As far as I know I can´t see why people talk bad about them.

My 2 cents again.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15214240#post15214240 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by therealfatman
GARF was freely giving out information on set uporal tanks and propogating corlas wg hen other were all just trying to profit by grwing coral and sharing their knowledge with no one. Perhap most of you have m not been keeping marine tanks and cp orals long enough to remeber the likes of Albert Thiel. He charged for everything he provided to the reef community. Hell he even registered the name Kalkwasser in the USA. His web site was one of the very frst sites and you had to pay to access it. even look at the majority of the expert who only gave out information through the se ale of retail books or huge speaker fees. GARF is a non profit organization who employees huge numbers of students in the fields of biology and fisheries sciences. They for years taught classes to public marine aquariums on coral propagation. They have spent huge amonts of time and money or coral reef restoration projects and in teaching pacfic islanders how to make rocks for aquaculure as well as teaching them to frag corals. And they did this while all the industry greats made huge sums of money writing books and making public appearances for huge sums.

Gesham, other than profiting through your own reef related ventures what great things have you given freely to the reef aquarium hobbiests? There are takers and givers in this world and Garf has done a lot of giving. What have you given. I do not even remen mber your name from the other forum sections so that shows how much I have thought of wht information or knowledge you have shared over in the trenchs where most question are asked. Perhaps if I wasted more time over here in the less informed areas of the forum your name might mean something, but the few times I have come over here I have found little to impress me.

I have been receiving many things from GARF at no cost for many years and I have bought many nice propagated corals from them over the years very cheaply. None ever bore your name. They have spent the extra time to do airport shipments to me where they had to be at air freight before 7 in the morning. So tell me what makes you special as they certainly are special and I do not see that in you.

Ask some of those such as Anthony Calfo, Sprung, Delbeek, Riddle, Toonen, Fenner or the now older greats "experts" such as Thiel how much they have done for the hobbiest reef aquarist that they did not get paid sweetly for. At best the reserchers post abstracts or short versions of college papers they were paid a salary to write and that is preety much required of them to maintain there reputations in the academic community and maintain their jobs at those colleges where they are employeed. Sprung seldom publishes any research papers he instead just writes/contributes to retail books to make money not share freely with the reef keeping community. He obviouly does not need the money he makes from the sale of his books.

So is GARF a great asset to the reef keeping community. Very, very much so. Without people like them we would still be paying to access sites such as RC. With out people like them we would still all be using Halide lights and buying all the snake oils sold by "experts" like Albert Thiel.

If you have what you consider smut on GARF keep it to yourself until after you have given more to the reef keeping community than they have. Some how I do not hink that time will ever come.

Not knowing a lick about the person you are flaming puts you in an interesting position... a position to be humored and felt sorry for.

For what it's worth, the little red line under your words when you are posting is for the spell check feature. Using that would make your nonsense far more digestible.

You know what they say about opinions, and apparently the fact that yours is 35 years old really doesn't validate it much. Do some research before you start attacking people in this community.
I have used Garf many times starting close to 2 decades ago and i would have to say they were very helpful to me.providing me with information to frag corals,do simple marine tank set ups and greatest of all the aquacultured corals i got from them.I still have a colony of GARF abrol and a palletta blue stag along with a few not so well known acroporas that i got from them .I probably traded a hundred frags to other hobbiests from these corals.This all happened when buying tank raised corals was very rare and mostly unheard of.also there critters were always a good thing for my tanks and i still use them occasionally.lots of free useful info on the site which is a plus so i would have to give them a thumbs up.Just like anything else in this hobby,schools of thought become old and out dated so remember that when in 10 years someone looks back and laughs at what you believe to be science at the present.not looking for an argument here and this is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt if you like.
I haven't checked out the GARF site in years, sorry to hear Sally Jo has been sick. They were a big inspiration to me when I set up my first full blown reef tank 10 years ago. The info on coral propagation and how to make those man made reef rocks was great..... I still have 'em in various tanks and they held up and look wonderful after all these years! Also I really loved those Triton bulbs they recommended (I used 'em on a freshwater planted tank).
By the way, where can you find those Tritons these days?
I don't know if they are good or bad, but their website is so awful as to be unnavigable. I honestly can't tell what the hell is going on there. Are they a research facility? A hippy commune? Do they sell stuff? Did they used to sell stuff and then stop? Do they just try weird stuff and then share the info?

I sent them an email to ask about buying aragocrete. I received a reply saying that they sell it for 4 bucks a pound. That, IMO, is too much to spend on un-live rock that is likely quite dense. I know it is eco-friendly, but so is the base rock that you can buy at places like TBS for 1.50 a pound.

Their live stuff may be the greatest ever, but I can't tell how to buy it because their site seems to have been made by a 12 year old on Geocities in 1994.

GARF! If you read this, invest in a web designer! I bet you can get one cheap, you seem to have plenty of young student types around. I would love to be a customer!
I too set up my first 75 reef tank per GARF with a plenum sandbed. Its 10 years old now. The good thing about a plenum is, if properly maintained and cleaned, it never goes anerobic which produces deadly hydrogen sulfide. Ive taken 5 year old plenum sandbeds apart, and the sand inside was clean and sweet as the day I put it in there. try that with most fine sand DSB's.

Like Forrest Gump said, "Well Good, one less thing! "

Plenums are fairly foolproof and effective if properly maintained with a light cleaning now and then to keep the fine silt and fluff from clogging up the water pores in the sand bed.

Plus i like GARF's extensive selection of available coral frags. They are a true genetic bank of diversity. You have to remember in this age of Uber Reefers, their original goal was to introduce new reefers to a low cost, low impact, quality reefing experience. And to participate in conservation, propagation and a sustainable hobby mentality. I think they have done very good in that respect. Lots of DIY stuff and good old hands on trial and error experience with keeping and propagating corals of all types.

There is no other site like theirs that simply shares every bit of information. And they like to trade for corals too! To increase their bio diversity bank.

So, when i finally take down my 10 year old 75 this year, to set up a new 120 RR, I think my first order will be for some starter GARF Grunge, just like i did for the old 75 ten years ago , and then for some of their unique frags a bit later. I really liked Sally Jo's original BPC, Beautiful Pink Creeping Xenia. I had that growing for many years, but lost it in a 5 day storm power outage crash. Hope they still got some.

Yup, I like and respect GARF for all the good work they have done for the hobby. always a good read. And real Nice People too!
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I cannot speak for their contributions to advancement of the hobby, but Garf has a spotty record at best as a retailer. Scores of posts on this and other forums bear this out.

While some people claim to have years of great service from them, others like myself have had awful experiences and been ignored when asked for correction of problems. In my case they even acknowledged I had been overcharged, shipped the wrong corals. After several calls and a dozen emails to Leroy I just gave up and wrote them off.

In spite of loving the philosophy espoused on their website and being tempted by some of the corals they grow, I will not attempt to deal with them again.

I've bought from many online sellers including people on e-bay and craigslist and never had a problem with anyone else in this hobby.

Maybe they just need a decent manager.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15358072#post15358072 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by iamwhatiam52
I cannot speak for their contributions to advancement of the hobby, but Garf has a spotty record at best as a retailer. Scores of posts on this and other forums bear this out.

While some people claim to have years of great service from them, others like myself have had awful experiences and been ignored when asked for correction of problems. In my case they even acknowledged I had been overcharged, shipped the wrong corals. After several calls and a dozen emails to Leroy I just gave up and wrote them off.

In spite of loving the philosophy espoused on their website and being tempted by some of the corals they grow, I will not attempt to deal with them again.

I've bought from many online sellers including people on e-bay and craigslist and never had a problem with anyone else in this hobby.

Maybe they just need a decent manager.

Well, now we´re understanding some of the stuff. With the respect that iamwhatiam52 posted, we can think twice when comes the need to buy the organisms from them. Anyone else?
That´s the way to post. :thumbsup:

Maybe GARF can come here and say something about their org., explaining any mistake in public.

Hope any of the GARF´s friends could call them and let them know, so they can participate of this.

With high respect to all and best regards,
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15305808#post15305808 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RedSkaNite
I don't know if they are good or bad, but their website is so awful as to be unnavigable. I honestly can't tell what the hell is going on there. Are they a research facility? A hippy commune? Do they sell stuff? Did they used to sell stuff and then stop? Do they just try weird stuff and then share the info?

I sent them an email to ask about buying aragocrete. I received a reply saying that they sell it for 4 bucks a pound. That, IMO, is too much to spend on un-live rock that is likely quite dense. I know it is eco-friendly, but so is the base rock that you can buy at places like TBS for 1.50 a pound.

Their live stuff may be the greatest ever, but I can't tell how to buy it because their site seems to have been made by a 12 year old on Geocities in 1994.

GARF! If you read this, invest in a web designer! I bet you can get one cheap, you seem to have plenty of young student types around. I would love to be a customer!

That is funny you say that because i offered to make them a new site a couple months back.. Never heard a thing from them, i also sent other emails to them about starting a new tank etc.. no word back on those either..

I proposed designing and coding a completely new "user friendly" site in trade for the equivalent value in coral frags etc. "Myself paying for shipping also" I also asked for nothing until my tank was up and cycled..

So on that note i have a bit of a bad taste on GARF, i do believe however that they are a great asset to someone like myself who is starting out completely new. I like the ideas of the man made rock "Although most people give it a bad rep" and the ideas by which they are run.

Thats what i had done, its not much, but its a start... never heard from then so i said f'it
LeRoy gets a lot of offers for web development and has taken a few up on their offers in the past but what the developers don't realize is the vast amount of work it takes. They end up working on it a little while and give up. After a few failures like that they probably started ignoring the offers.

Leroy know more than anyone I know about corals and coral farming but he doesn't know much about web development.

I do what I can to make things easier to locate and find on the site and build all of their asp calculators. As a volunteer I don't have the amount of time I did in the 10 years ago when I started helping them on the site so I do what I can when I can. Every month or so I go through an add links to the new stuff he has added. Right now is kayaking season so I pretty much spend all my spare time on the whitewater and ignore the site until the season ends...

Things are slowly getting better but for a completely free site I don't think it is too bad for what we have to work with...


Well in that light i understand, yet ignoring people is considered extremely rude regardless.

I have spent some time on the site and have a feel for the amount of information.

I can also set things up for easy updates/uploads. I ask for nothing but an equivalent exchange of corals/etc. once the project is 100% done.

So tell me what's to lose here? I am the one putting in time....
My thoughts also, i think that they have a great thing going for the community and the reefs. I thought a larger customer flow could only help them do more