Gateway Aquatic


New member
All I have to say is "AWESOME"! Had my first of many visits to come to this fine store today! All I can say is; it's about time we people of the South County area had a "good, no "GREAT store that isn't a drive to get to! Thank You Chad!
I stopped in there last night to check it out. Very nice store. And, they had the best salt prices in town.
I was suppose to go this weekend and check it out.

Didnt make it maybe next week.....

Hey, tim bob....How much was the salt????
Yup, I picked up a cute little pencil urchin, brittle star, and monsterous cucumber. This thing is huge!
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Its a nice place overall... (and good people of course) but I didn't really like how they placed the small specimen tanks so far back, it makes it hard to really see whats in them. And I'll assume it'll come with time but I was surpised to see so few fish and absolutely no tanks for sale (or is Chad not a tank dealer yet?).

But I'll probably drive the extra couple of miles to buy from them so long as they keep treating us right.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6944322#post6944322 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mykayel
And I'll assume it'll come with time but I was surpised to see so few fish

Told you Chad;)
I noticed the lack of fish as well, but it doesn't bother me. My tank is pretty much maxxed out on fish as it is, I won't have a bunch of fish distracting me when I am out looking for corals now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6945001#post6945001 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Shooter7
I noticed the lack of dead fish. :thumbsup:

Yep! No dead fishies, and clean water. I miss both of those things when I go to the LFS nearest my home.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I would like to see more fish in Chad's store as well;)

I think there are many species that will not only ship well, but also sell well. You don't need to buy the most expensive fish out there, but it would be nice to be able to choose from some species that are hardy.

Many people come into the hobby for fish first, corals later.

Give it time guys. Chad or Steve was talking about a qt area in the back so that it will minimize dying fish getting into the consumers tanks. So even when they come in on shipment it may be a bit before they are on the floor. Certain species may make it quicker I'm not sure of the time of qt they are talking about but I don't think it will be float the bag and add them like many stores do. I'm sure they could get some fish to send home to die if anyone really wants some by tomorrow even. :D
I think that a lack of fish will bore potential new customers since that's what initially get's most people into the hobby. I think if you keep a good stock of "pretty fishes" you are going to attract a much broader customer base than just the reefers on RC...JMO
If you can do requests for stuff fairly easily, would be a good excuse to set up a large display in that front window like what was being discussed the day I was last down there. You could stock it with some popular types of fish and if someone is interested in one or some the types you have, you could then order them to make the sell to the customer. I don't know if the ordering is that simple or not, but just throwing something out there. I know you're kind of strapped for space there.