****ghl mitras software recommendations ****


New member
Hello GHL

Some of the below recommendations may or may not have been answered as I am only an owner for a couple weeks. I also want to say that this light fixture is not a TOY and I would recommend it to anyone who is really serious about reef-keeping.

Yes its expensive but is worth every penny, in addition it is very well made and there software is intended not only for the most advance hobbyist but is also very user friendly once you get a better understanding of how it works.

I will have more to come as I expand my knowledge of not only the light fixture but the software, but below are some recommendations that others may also want to see in a new software upgrade.

Again thank you for allowing me to hold my interest in the hobby as I was almost ready to throw in the towel. YOU GUYS ROCK I cant wait to see what my system looks like in 6 months to a year as I am already seeing amazing colors in my SPS thanks to your light fixture.


• Allow user when the first connect their light fixture to the software that it shows what project is on the light at the current time. Not ask for the user to pick what project to load to the light
• Allow users to adjust the output to the LEDS not only by adjusting the sliders but all also allow user to be able to manually enter in a value like 23.6 ETC.
• Allow the user to be able to adjust the entire project with a slider to lower or raise the intensity output to the LEDS, EXAMPLE: once sliders are adjust to get the correct spectrum and after putting the fixture into high output or high efficiency and then setting it to 80% allow user to adjust it on the LEDS spectrum screen with another slide to go up or down.
• Being able to shut of the moon simulation with and ON or OFF check box.
• More explanation on how to use or not use the moon simulation would also be nice as it is very confusing.
• Being able to connect to the light fixture with WIFI and be able to use a laptop
• Being able to connect to the light fixture through WIFI and use my Ipad ( This is really needed)
• An APP would be outstanding to use through WIFI
• Now this is something that I was very surprised it cannot do…. Allow end user to make adjustments to a project without the light being connected.
• When selecting the GRAPH tab what does that do? It asked for the user to load a graph but from where or what?
• Allow the user to check calibration of their LEDS ( I had some issues with my Radion when I first got it and it was because the right side puck was giving more light out then the left side calibration with the software fixed that) not comparing this light to that one just making a statement.
• Adding a check box that says run project to see what it looks like without using the slider. The reason I am asking for this is because I have an in the wall tank and the USB cable is not long enough so I can’t see the front of the tank when checking my project. So if there was a run project check box and it ran the project from start to finish let’s say over 2 minutes ( Or let the end user select between 2 minutes 5 minutes or 10 minutes ETC) I could see what it would look like.
• Pre set projects that simulate from sun rise to sunset in various spectrum. Like 10 pre set projects. Called high growth, high color, LPS, SPS, mixed reef. Deep water SPS Fiji simulation, Bali simulation, Australian simulation, 20k 18k ETC I think you get the point.

• Here is a suggestion about the light fixture itself that has nothing to do with the software. make the fixture 6" to 8" longer and add another set of LED cluster and make it 6" to 8" inches wider and it will cover a 36 X 48 area so that the large tank owners would only need one fixture not two. This would open up your market to more reef keepers.

• Here is a suggestion about the light fixture itself that has nothing to do with the software. Sell lens that will give the flexibility to add 90 degree optics 120 degree optics ETC for those that want either direct light or want to spread the light out.

• Here is a suggestion about the light fixture itself that has nothing to do with the software. Instead of making the plastic shield out of plastic have you thought about selling ones as a glass add on that would have the optics on it already as described above?

As always thank you for an amazing light fixture

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GHL listen to ALL recommendations but of course can take sometime too investigate each and everyone and then implement, it cant take a very long time in some cases to re write whole script.

I do urge everyone to focus on the new MY GHL cloud bases operation that was launched as a preview at Macna, this will give a strong guide as to the way forward