GlennF's 1500 liter mixed reef tank

The plan is to place al technique out of sight.

That'll be nice. I look forward to seeing how you accomplish that.

That tank is really sharp looking. I like the diemensions. I also like the way the euro brace was done. I think they look messy when the small pieces are put in on the short sides. Kinda makes them look like an after thought. Ya know?
That'll be nice. I look forward to seeing how you accomplish that.

That tank is really sharp looking. I like the diemensions. I also like the way the euro brace was done. I think they look messy when the small pieces are put in on the short sides. Kinda makes them look like an after thought. Ya know?

Beside for mechanical strenght, they have another function. They prevent water from splashing over the edge when cleaning the display near the surface. i find that quite annoying on a rimless tank (my fragtank is rimless)
Last time i fragged 69 pieces (more full size corals) from most of the corals including this staghorn.
I spend 5 hours cutting and glueing it on fragstones.
Now it's already grown more densily packed than ever.

Perhaps that coral would do better in the new 20000 litre aquarium you are planning.


Only thinking about the bill for the lighting would scared the hell out of me.
Electricity cost here about 25 euro cent per kwh.
Beside for mechanical strenght, they have another function. They prevent water from splashing over the edge when cleaning the display near the surface. i find that quite annoying on a rimless tank (my fragtank is rimless)

So true. I love the look of rimless but I sure enjoy my simple ready made 65 when it comes to that. The black trim hides a whole lot. My nano is rimless. I'm always chasing that water line.
So true. I love the look of rimless but I sure enjoy my simple ready made 65 when it comes to that. The black trim hides a whole lot. My nano is rimless. I'm always chasing that water line.

i am glad in am not the only one...

They look awesome with someone else's tank, but require far to much patience for my taste. i hate spending to much time keeping it meticulous clean, as most rimless tank do.
last friday Philip van de Reeck visited me and did a photoshoot of my tank
i am pleased to share his photo impression of my tank and will be placing the shoot in here

You should know that my PC screen is in 16:9 ratio at a resolution of 1920 x 1080.

Just in case you were wondering...

Great photo's !. and what a nice combination of sps and leather corals. What are you feeding them ?

many people believe this combination can't be done in the limited space of a reeftank.

i just feed the fish depfreeze mysis,pods. Also koi pellets and nori leafs for the naso and the scarus quoyi, coral get to pick the leftovers.