GlennF's 1500 liter mixed reef tank

how about the green?



The result of daily dosig Fe-trace (0,02ppm) , manganese (0,2ppb) and recently an increased PO4 dosing of 0,01ppm per day supplemented with correction to reach a stable 0,06-0,08ppm
how about the green?



The result of daily dosig Fe-trace (0,02ppm) , manganese (0,2ppb) and recently an increased PO4 dosing of 0,01ppm per day supplemented with correction to reach a stable 0,06-0,08ppm

If only it were that easy. HaHa.

Looks great man. Cheers!
Incredible growth. I am starting to see a pattern with tanks like this and the ones in the monthly featured aquariums; the lack of LED lights as main lighting.
Incredible growth. I am starting to see a pattern with tanks like this and the ones in the monthly featured aquariums; the lack of LED lights as main lighting.
hou have seen right. i have experimented with other light in my experimental tanks and always com t the conclusion that nothing beats T5 combinations...
there is no more isles to be found from the orginal scape
it's now a massive wall of corals growing towards the surface


That is a nice problem to have :lmao:...couple more pages and I'll be through your thread. I'm in the middle of a large build that I have been fooling with for a couple years now. Your tank is amazing Glenn...I'm going to do some searching on the net for your "how to technique"...hard to believe RC has a lock on it. Your attitude in that regard and in just sharing information is beyond you say...its just to beautiful not to share.
Anyhow I will more than likely have some questions for you after I get my brain wrapped around what I have read so far :). Thanks again for sharing---Rick
That is a nice problem to have :lmao:...couple more pages and I'll be through your thread. I'm in the middle of a large build that I have been fooling with for a couple years now. Your tank is amazing Glenn...I'm going to do some searching on the net for your "how to technique"...hard to believe RC has a lock on it. Your attitude in that regard and in just sharing information is beyond you say...its just to beautiful not to share.
Anyhow I will more than likely have some questions for you after I get my brain wrapped around what I have read so far :). Thanks again for sharing---Rick

i made my point about the obligation for people to share knowledge long ago..
but if you're not mainsteam people wil always condemn you or bog you down.
even when you get undeniable results to show for.

anyhow there are more media's to share, so what i have to share is reaching people who are interested anyway.

i wish i had someone doing this a long time before . it would have save me a lot of corals and lifestock.
now i do what i think should be done to advance the hobby for those who are looking for something different.