New member
Sweet looking setup.. Have you thought about what fish you are going to keep? Were you stationed on the Stennis?
Sweet looking setup.. Have you thought about what fish you are going to keep? Were you stationed on the Stennis?
Is there any vents in the sump area? Just curious how your going to control the moisture inside the stand? Looks awesome so far will be tagging along!![]()
Gobie, Have you thought abut using MB7/Vodka dosing? Check out Sonny's Rimless Shallow Reef build thread. You may find it interesting....but back to your tank. It's really looks great. Can't wait to see the sump.
I was the Reactor Auxiliaries Officer from late 93 before she was commissioned until very early 97. Was on the commissioning crew, got to see her built not quite from keel up, but I did spend 2 1/2 years on her while she was in the shipyard. I'm nor going to lie and say that was fun, but met some great people.
As for fish, I'll be moving the following over from my current tank.
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Flame Angel
1 Royal Gramma
1 Bicolor Blenny ( who is actually solid black, the yellow lasted for about a week)
1 Yellow Coris Wrasse
1 Six Line Wrasse
2 Onyx Ocelaris Clowns
1 Green Chromis
I'd like to add a mandarin at some point.
My GF is pressuring me to get a cowfish, she thinks they're so cute. But from what I hear they get pretty big and can poison the tank.
I should post pictures of the old tank so you can see exactly what I'll be moving.
...I've been struggling with a decision about lighting T5 vs. MH supplemented with T5....What is your take on this subject Gobie ???...
Ah, I have no idea. My tank has been lit with Aqua Illumination's LED lighting since they came out in October of 2007. Hopefully soon I'll have pictures of the fixture hanging over the new tank so you can see it better. I have never had any problems growing SPS with LEDs. All the corals you see in the picture of the old tank started out as frags. Now they're full sized colonies.
I've never used Metal Halides, I've never used T5s. On my 50 gallon starter tank I had some Power Compacts. The light that is over the new tank is a normal output T5 which is way underpowered to actually grow anything. But its only temporary until I move the AIs over. ( hopefully in the next two weeks or so )
So my take on it ... shrug, I don't know, I'm not the person you should be asking![]()