going skimmerless on sps

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6846873#post6846873 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jiggy
stop trying to convince yourself that not having a skimmer will be ok for an sps tank.. if u wanna keep sps, u cant be poor/cheap.. simple as that.. n dont bring out the whole im only 20yrs old and go to college blah blah blah.. me too! and i have a skimmer, n halides, n this n that.. if u dont wanna run a skimmer n do sps corals, be my guest, but i guarantee you will have more threads on here with the title "why r my sps corals brown **** sticks?'..
the LPS forum is forum is THAAAAAAAT-A-WAY!!

why are u being so rude and why are u attacking me? its uncalled for. all i asked was a simple question about a subject i was ignorant in.
You'll have to forgive some of the experts on the board thefuture. Their momma's never taught them that there's more than one way to skin a cat.

- Mac
i guess so but its still pretty childish and sad for a grown man to call people names and make out assumptions. u dont need your mama to teach you that, maybe if all our mama thought us everything in life, i wouldnt have asked.

hey reefer mac, can ya help me out with my tank http://reefcentral.com/forums/showt...threadid=787452 im getting very frustrated with all my questions and im even thinking about returning the tank and forgetting this whole thing.
Guys, let's all tone it down a bit.

If you've never run a skimmerless system, and have nothing good to say about such a system ... perhaps it's best to remain silent and allow this be a positive environment where people who have run such a system are free to post their experiences without ridicule.

If I've learned anything in this hobby, it's that there's someone out there, succeeding with something you think defies logic.
Often, they have something useful to teach us.

Let's sit back, let those who've run skimmerless tanks speak.
Hey thefuture, I feel your pain. You ask for help/opinions...and instead you get made fun of for having an opinion. I personally say, the simpler the system the easier it is to take care of. I have used a red sea prizm (anyone who wants to laugh go ahead) for the past several months, which is not too far from skimmerless. My main recommendation is this. Take good care of the tank on a daily basis and you CAN get by without a skimmer, however it does require more husbandry. Oh and by the way, if you don't have the money, you still have a RIGHT to keep a tank and run it the way YOU want to. There are a million ways to do this hobby, and most of them will work. Hang in there, ignore the rudeness, and enjoy the hobby. Remember you are in the hobby for yourself...not to impress the people on RC.
i have run skimmerless in the past with the mindset of 'i can save a few bucks and not get one'.. i didnt really have any growth in the tank.. when i got the skimmer, the water was alot clearer, as if the fish were floating in air.. and got a ton more coraline growth.. and all the brown algae/diatoms in the tank disappeared..
Very common experience among aquarists Jiggy. What some folks fail to remember however, is some folks have had a different experience. Their trials have taught them something else. And one side may in fact be right, while the other wrong (though more than likely the truth doesn't exist at all, or is somewhere's in between). However it's how you express your experiences, that determine wether you look the fool, or not.
I've likely shipped more of these limestone skeleton around this country than some people who insist you need a skimmer, have ever owned... But I ignore the rants, take the information w/ a grain of salt, and move on.
I still haven't hooked a skimmer to my tank.
Nor do I have any intentions.
I don't have brown corals.
I like the way my tank looks and functions.
Some immature and inexperienced jerkoff on an internet chat board isn't going to change that. Trust me. ;)
I've supplied far too many of these newbies with their first SPS frags to change.

- Mac
I,m not sure why the gloom and doom when running a skimmerless sps tank. First I am a skimmer advocate, even though I keep trying with my turf scrubber. :D

Skimming removes organics & various other nutrients, {or whatever its called}, plus a considerable amount of detritus, if run proper.

However, in a proper sized aquarium, why could this not be accomplished with water changes alone? Not really feasable in a large aquarium but in a smaller one it is.

After my move, I plan on setting up something around a 60 cube or less, with only sps and a few small fish. Although I,m leaning towards a Deltec hang-on, I seriously though about no skimmer and just doing 25% weekly water changes, if the aquarium was around 30- 40g range.
Works just ducky in a 230, too Dougy. ;)
60-gallons monthly.
RO/DI, Reefcrystals, Kalk, and food. That's it for the past 3 years I've had this beast (aside from more interceptor and FWExit than I care to remember). DSB, and carbon too!
{Shrug}... I dunno, can't sell the frags to my LFS fast enough. But if you believe the experts, I must be doing something wrong.

- Mac
I'm going to chime in here. I have a 55, the only filtration is carbon, 100 pounds of LR, short SB, small HOB fuge. It was fishless until every morning when I would look at the tank it would look foggy because of all the pods. So now there is a mandarin in there and after 7 weeks when I look in the tank with a flashlight there are still too many pods. As sps corals go I have montiporas that have been thriving (espacailly my superman danae) and a green slimer frag that is growing moderately and encrusting over the frag plug. Now my tank is mostly LPS and zoos but I'm starting to love SPS. Could I do it without a skimmer, I think so with just 1 fish that doesn't really need to be fed. Would it be a better idea to get a skimmer? You can't argue that point. Tank with a skimmer is much easier to maintain then with out. As my facination with acros grows I will be getting a good skimmer. It doesn't make sense to spend alot of money on sps and not spending money on a skimmer.
I'm pretty sure that Steve Tyree runs systems that use cryptic fuges and other natural forms of filtration. I'm sure that someone knows more about this, but I would say that with a small system this would be really hard to do.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6856733#post6856733 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jackson6745
Mac, a pic is worth a thousand words.



Oh, you mean like these?





- Mac
if u can run a skimmer, why not do it? im not sure its worth the risk to not run one so a person can see if they can successfully keep sps without a skimmer..
See mac, that shuts everyone up :D

Anyway, I don't agree with not having a skimmer on an SPS tank but certain guys like Mac with enough experience can get by without one. I would not reccommend going skimmerless to any newer SPS reefers. It is easier to keep your fish fat, less algae, and lower nutrients with a skimmer. Don't worry about skimming out all the "good stuff"....the corals do fine without it ;)