griss’ Battle with Cyano - all the Things I’ve Tried

Cyano treatment on hold because of This. need to have a skimmer ready to go in case the treatment causes a bacterial bloom.
Several small water changes this week and the salinity is finally corrected. Just made the first dose of Dr. Tim’s refresh. Will try to keep this thread updated so others can see the progress.

Interested to see how you go with this. I'm struggling with cyano in one of my tanks at the moment. I've started dosing nitrates which seems to be causing a shift from cyano to diatoms, which is good. Would very much like to nuke the cyano though.
Interested to see how you go with this. I'm struggling with cyano in one of my tanks at the moment. I've started dosing nitrates which seems to be causing a shift from cyano to diatoms, which is good. Would very much like to nuke the cyano though.
Holy cow, haven’t seen/heard from you in a long time. It’s been since the old irc chat days. How the heck have you been?
Holy cow, haven’t seen/heard from you in a long time. It’s been since the old irc chat days. How the heck have you been?
G'day mate. I'm still alive. Got back into reefing about 2 years ago and slowly making contact with a few of the old IRC crew. Glad to see you're still around. I got out of the industry a while ago which probably reinvigorated the interest for me.
Glad you’re back buddy. Do they still make Copper & Sons? Haven’t seen that in the states in a long time.
When I got home from work, my skimmer was going crazy with foam coming out of the top of the collection cup and running into the sump. Get it cleaned up and did the second dose of Re-Fresh.

Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but the tank looks better than it has in quite a while.
Just curious are you expecting an effect on the macro algae?
Sorry, not sure why I missed your post on this. Probably was on my phone and my old eyes just missed it.

Honestly, I have no idea. I'm going to guess when I switch to the Waste-Away, I might see an impact on the macros but, who knows.

There is also an option to do a third dose of Re-Fresh before starting the Waste-Away. Doing that or not will be a game time decision tomorrow. So, I'll either do a 3rd dose of Re-Fresh tomorrow or start dosing the Waste-Away.
Decided for poops and giggles, I’m going to do another dose of Re-Fresh before starting Waste-Away. Next step will be a water change on Friday. Then Waste-Away on Sunday.
Well, I changed my mind again :ROFLMAO: The reason I was going to do another dose of Re-Fresh was because you're supposed to do a water change the day between the last dose of Re-Fresh and the first dose of Waste-Away. When I got home last night, I realized I didn't have water made for a water change. Anyway, at the last minute and after the post above, I mixed the water up and once the temp and salinity were right, I ended up doing the water change. So, tonight will be the first dose of Waste-Away.
A little disclaimer before I post the latest pics. On the bottle of Waste-Away, there is a disclaimer stating they recommend starting with a 1/2 dose. Then, late in the instructions, it states to use 10 mL per 10 gallons of system water. On the instruction card I got this the Cyano Treatment Package, it says to start with a 1/4 dose and increase with each dosage. My tank is 40 gallons and my sump holds about 5 gallons.

However, after starting this thread, I did read on other websites that people who dosed 1/2 or full doses had some losses and horrible clouding (bacterial blooms) of the water. So, I decided to proceed with a LOT of caution. Last night I only dosed 5 mL of Waste-Away. Tomorrow will be the second dose and I will increase it to 10 mL.

That said, I think the Re-Fresh/Waste-Away combo is starting to work. Here are some pics this morning. For comparison, before I started dosing, almost everything would be covered in Cyano in the morning and it would slowly go away as the day progressed. These pics were taken about 6:15 AM this morning.



Still have some Cyano on the rock and sand but, not nearly as much as I have in the past. Sorry about the crappy pics. The only tank lights on are the moon lights and I had the basement light on. So, it was hard to get decent pics.
I also think the low salinity may have been partially responsible for the Cyano. So, I think, a combination of increasing the salinity and using the Dr. Tim's is helping me to finally win this battle.
It seems that I'm having to change the filter sock and clean the skimmer cup more frequently. This makes sense, at least in my mind, with the increased amount of bacteria in the tank. Once I get the tank cleaned up and back to "normal" I'm going to re-fresh my cleaner crew and add some bio-diversity.

Today’s pic. I think the Dr Tim’s is also causing the Mermaid’s Cup to thin out. Still have Cyano on the ends (less lit) areas of the tank.

After this first treatment, the instructions say I can do a second. So, unless this completely clears it up, I’ll be doing a second treatment. But, I’ll do 3 doses of Re-Fresh and increase the dosage amount of the Waste-away. I feel safe doing this since I haven’t had any cloudy water after dosing. Keep in mind, I was very conservative in my dosage amounts.
Also, had my company Party in the Parking Lot last night. Won a $50 Amazon gift card as an attendance prize. So, I order one of These to add a little more flow to the tank.