Great article, excellent read.
You make an excellent case for the hypothesis that the negative effects of eutrophication are due to something other than the nutrient levels themselves.
Given that things like chemical allelopathy tend to be amplified in a small closed system like an aquarium relative to the ocean, it also doesn't surprise me that so many have anecdotally observed a correlation between nutrient levels and coral health.
Definitely gives me ideas for a few potentially enlightening experiments on the subject.
One of the most simple ways to test this hypothesis would be using an NPS sceleractinian like Tubastrea. Put each in a comparable volume of water with comparable flow, and dose both with N/P to ~50ppm/1ppm (well above what many would consider "safe") for both. Keep one in the target to prevent the growth of any algae, but light the other. One would need to shield the lighted Tubastrea to at least limit the potential of light to act as a confounding variable. That would be far from conclusive, but could at least give evidence about how algae vs "just" elevated nutrients impacts calcification in some sceleractinians.
It would be somewhat more difficult to design an experiment that was well controlled for photosynethic corals, as the direct impact of the herbivores or algaecides needed to limit algae growth would be challenging to control for. I suppose one could run a low nutrient + herbivore vs low nutrient - herbivore trial first, but given varying proclivities of different individual herbivores, even that would be a mediocre control at best without a huge sample size.
The best structure for that sort of trial that I could think of would be to grow both corals via suspension from monofilament, one system with manual removal of algae and one without. Far easier to control human contamination that herbivore behavior.
Running a trial of ATS vs no ATS, or ATS w/GAC vs ATS w/o GAC also might help establish what role, if any, allelopathic chemical produced by algae might play.
Hell, a "simple" analysis of allelopathy by common "pest" algae might be enlightening on its own. I'd be shocked if there weren't a variety of allelopathic compounds produced by marine algae yet to be identified.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling.
Great article. I hadn't seen some of that newer research before, and you definitely succeeded in making a compelling case against the "common wisdom" that elevated nutrient levels in and of themselves are inherently harmful. I'm not planning on scaling back on WCs, vinegar, or stopping skimming anytime soon, goodness knows I get enough pesty crap growing with low nutrient levels, but it's good food for thought none the less!