Forgive me as I am late to the game
Tried to read through most of the threat but found myself skipping around focusing on your responses to posts which allowed me to get through the majority of it. If someone else already touched upon the following perhaps you can point me to the post.
I for one appreciate what you have done here. That is, that sometimes conventional thinking to an otherwise mostly misunderstood and unconventional hobby has made us victims of following like sheeple. I know, I know you are not condoning anyone follow your formula as you have made it clear (at least to me) that you, yourself do not know what that formula is. Anyway, its refreshing that after 16 yeas in the hobby (still consider myself a baby) there are moments when you come across something that turns everything you thought you understood as right-side-up into up-side-down and sideways. BUT... somehow what you are doing works and pics of your tank is proof pudding. Anyone seeing that has to ask why/how? I love it! so thank you.
Ok, enough with that. Was wondering if you have taken any thought to the Redfield ratio? I agree, that although Redfield studied reefs around the world this may/may not apply to a closed eco-system in the same ratio of 16N:1P:106C as set forth by Redfield in his studies of ocean reefs. There may however be something you are doing that is connected??? you mentioned in your last comment "imagined golden zone". So obviously you are not within the Redfield ratio but certainly some sort of, not so imagined "golden zone"
I would like to think that there is some kind of bio load vs. export golden zone that your tank is in. <<< that's because my brain wants to rationalize what is going on. So, I'm wondering, are you actually measuring all bio load that you are adding to the tank by any chance? Reason I ask is because that's where I'm at right now with my tank. Using a peristaltic pump to measure food going in (at least the amount of it not content). <<< not sure if that means a whole lot because we all know that nutrient import is introduced mainly through food but not ONLY. I've set up an automatic feeding system that is somewhat consistent in what it dispenses into the tank in the hope that my bio pellets can populate bacteria population to uptake this load. So, it would be very interesting for me to know the amount of food you put in and if by chance you currently use bio-pellets or implement any kind of carbon dosing?
So far my fairly recent conversion (6 months in the making) of my mostly softies with some LPS to mostly SPS with some LPS is going fairly well. My system is fairly established though (16 year tank with one move). Its interesting to note that when I kept softies which I found to be more tolerant of dirty water. my tank was tested typically at 40 No3. Now-a-days it tests around 8 No3 and .04 Po4 and able to grow SPS from frags (I like pain,lol) with moderate to good growth <<< whatever that means
BTW, wondering if you went with an inland aquatics ATS? you mentioned a see-saw setup and I know that they have developed something like that. I too would love to see your ATS setup also when you get time to take pics. in the mean time, I'm sure you know the work of Dr. Walter Adey
ok as it is, its late and this post is way too long already so...