Had Wrong Setting on LED Lights, Need Advice


New member
I'll cut to the chase....for the last 4-6 months (since my tank cycled) I had my blue and white channels mislabeled on my Apex v1/v2 dimming controller. I'm using Chinese black box LEDs and my white LEDs dimming settings were actually controlling my blue LEDs and vise-versa.

It's a mixed reef and my lights are only 4" off of the water. My blue LEDs peaked at 12% for 3.5 hours and my white LEDs peaked at 32% for the same duration.

Since I had it mixed up, I want to increase my blue LED intensity. My question is, should I keep my white LED intensity at 32% and aim for around 60-something% for my blue LED or should I lower the white as I raise the blue intensity?
Did I read that wrong or do you only have your lights on for 3.5 hours? if so why? corals would be happier with 8 hours or so..

As to your percentages.. IMO...Set it to where you like the color of the light and how the corals look with that color.. and then make sure it looks "brightish" but isn't hurting your eyes in any way..
Its better to start lower and work your way up then cook the corals under the known hotspots the black boxes have.

I'm using 30% B and 25% W in a 30" deep tank and the corals are thriving, I will slowly ramp up monthly.

10 hours blue ,,,,, 8 hours white
Did I read that wrong or do you only have your lights on for 3.5 hours? if so why? corals would be happier with 8 hours or so..

Yes, it was misinterpreted. They run at peak intensity for only 3.5 hours, but ramp up and down for a total 11 hours on.

I do plan on increasing my blue intensity slowly. I just don't know if increasing my blue intensity while leaving my white as is would be too much light.