Hardest to keep SPS's

Is this an a. horridas?
in regards to the abro, in my experience i found it super easy to grow.
color, was a totally different story though :D
Color differences are incredible. Lights and water parims make the corals look a little different in other aquarists tanks.

Do u find that yours did best under the highest amount of light?


Horrida. ('Incredible Hulk Acro')

I'm of the school that believes once you mount a coral in a certain place, leave it alone if at all possible. Therefore, I couldn't tell you how these pieces would've fared anywhere else in the tank. Right now, both are on the highest point of their respective rocks which would put them approximately 18" from their 400W 14K MH light source. The horrida receives strong and chaotic water flow while the hoek gets slightly less. Both really seem to like where they are.
I agree as well. Glue it, set it and leave it alone. They will adapt.
Just curious about yours because the coloring is different from mine. I know they will change depending on placement. Maybe once it starts to grow and encrust I can frag it and place that frag in a less lighted area to see what happens.

I'm of the school that believes once you mount a coral in a certain place, leave it alone if at all possible. Therefore, I couldn't tell you how these pieces would've fared anywhere else in the tank. Right now, both are on the highest point of their respective rocks which would put them approximately 18" from their 400W 14K MH light source. The horrida receives strong and chaotic water flow while the hoek gets slightly less. Both really seem to like where they are.
Hey toothman can you post the thread link I'd like to reads its info and continue learning.

A copy from another thread, not my answer but I like the information. It seems rather accurate.

Here is a copy of a list that Chris from RM made awhile ago:

"Easiest= most Staghorn's: A. nobilis, A. formosa (super fast grower), A. insignis, A. yongei, A. abrolhosensis, A. tortuosa, A. horrida, A. robusta, A. exquisita, A. pectinatus, A. pulchra, A. austera. Also non-stags; A. tenius, A. sarmentosa, A. kimbeensis, A. valida, A. nana, A. vermiculata, I am sure there are a few more.

More Difficult= A. abrotanoides, A. secale, A. samoensis, A. humilis, A. chesterfieldensis, A. granulosa, A. macrostoma, A. schmitti, A. parilis, A. azurea, A. millepora, A. prostrata, A. lokani, A. latistella, A. plana, A. echinata, A. navini, A. proximalis, A. verweyi, A. cerealis, A. grandis, A. maryae, A. microphthalma, A. copiosa, there are more I just can't think of them at the moment.

Most Difficult or just need a really mature system with tons and tons of flow= A. gemmifera, A. hyacinthus, A. cytherea, A. bufuricata, A. monticulosa, A. suharsonoi, A. loripes, A. rosaria, A. donei, A. efflorescens, A. solitaryensis, A. branchii, A. retusa, A. aculeus, A. caroliniana, A. clathrata, A. globiceps...."
I have a Hoeksemai that's a deep blue color and has kept that color since new (four wks) but has not started to grow just some encrusting. Same as my blue Tenius. All my blues are very slow. However I have two species of loripes that are doing very well. I also have a deep red mille that's growing like crazy.
4 weeks, congrats! Where have you placed your coral in reference to lights? (what type of lighting ) water flow? Does yours have the scattered florescent green coralites?

Is anyone else keeping this beauty? I've been told this coral is rather rare in the hobby and very difficult to keep.

I have a Hoeksemai that's a deep blue color and has kept that color since new (four wks) but has not started to grow just some encrusting. Same as my blue Tenius. All my blues are very slow. However I have two species of loripes that are doing very well. I also have a deep red mille that's growing like crazy.
By the looks of your colony it seems like you have had yours for awhile.
How long? Did you buy it as a frag or did you pickup as an aquacultured/maricultured colony?

I'm of the school that believes once you mount a coral in a certain place, leave it alone if at all possible. Therefore, I couldn't tell you how these pieces would've fared anywhere else in the tank. Right now, both are on the highest point of their respective rocks which would put them approximately 18" from their 400W 14K MH light source. The horrida receives strong and chaotic water flow while the hoek gets slightly less. Both really seem to like where they are.
4 weeks, congrats! Where have you placed your coral in reference to lights? (what type of lighting ) water flow? Does yours have the scattered florescent green coralites?

Is anyone else keeping this beauty? I've been told this coral is rather rare in the hobby and very difficult to keep.

Thank you. Closer to a third top of the tank With lots of flow. It's under a 400 watt 20k XM lighting. My hoeks is pure blue. However the Tenius has the green coralites and deep blue tips with green polyps. I find 4 weeks of no action too slow. I just picked up a yellow mille last week as well that started to grow in every tip!
Just as we see with ALL types of corals some can grow within days like some millies, birds nest and some like oregon blue tort or red planet can take their time.
I see what you mean about the thread.
It is an interesting list though.
Does ORA have such a list?
They do have quite a few acro's out there.
I tried some of the acro's like the red planet, of their website, but can't seem to find the actual scientific name.
Why am I interested?
It's the geek in me! LOL! Naw actually I want to know which species I have.
Does anyone know of any such list by ORA?

here is an old list of coral and possible care level.

Wondering if any of those acro's have switch places ie. from easy to hard and vice versa.
I see what you mean about the thread.
It is an interesting list though.
Does ORA have such a list?
They do have quite a few acro's out there.
I tried some of the acro's like the red planet, of their website, but can't seem to find the actual scientific name.
Why am I interested?
It's the geek in me! LOL! Naw actually I want to know which species I have.
Does anyone know of any such list by ORA?

Not by ORA, but some experienced hobbyists should be able to tell you species for their various corals, or at least take a somewhat educated guess. Here are a couple and why I suspect some falsely think A. echinata is "easy".

Red Planet = A. hyacinthus

Hawkins Echinata = A. turaki

For me, A. sarmentosa has always been a tough one to get established as have hoeks, though I have a turquoise one that was struggling a bit with STN when I got it and finally pulled through and is growing and encrusting.
I am surprised to see Millepora on the hard list, they seem to survive through everything. Efflo's too. My millepora and efflo's grow when nothing else will. Getting that growing efflo to color up however has been a different story for me.
depends on different systems too Id assume.

I can not keep echinata ... but my abro colors up very well ... interestingly, I have ISsues with Birdsnest too ! one of the easiest corals ! yet efflo does great and colors up ..

guess these corals come from different parts of the ocean, so could prefer different environments ?