Hardest to keep SPS's

Still a hit and miss with mariculture and wild acro for me everything is groeing growing like weeds. .speciallymy birdsnest it tripled in size in a month..
From my own personal experience blue A. humilis are fairly tricky long term, it's beyond me I give them plenty of flow, light, and stable parameters but oh well I am always willing to try again haha.
Not by ORA, but some experienced hobbyists should be able to tell you species for their various corals, or at least take a somewhat educated guess. Here are a couple and why I suspect some falsely think A. echinata is "easy".

Red Planet = A. hyacinthus

Hawkins Echinata = A. turaki

For me, A. sarmentosa has always been a tough one to get established as have hoeks, though I have a turquoise one that was struggling a bit with STN when I got it and finally pulled through and is growing and encrusting.

Growing fairly slow, but I still have this Hoek as well as another that has been doing pretty well for the last year plus!
My favorite acro is Spathulata where do these guys fall on that list. Funny the guy whos favorite acro is Spathulata doesn't own one =(. I have a hard time finding these guys, if anyone knows a place that carries them please shoot me a link, pm, or website name please.
My favorite acro is Spathulata where do these guys fall on that list. Funny the guy whos favorite acro is Spathulata doesn't own one =(. I have a hard time finding these guys, if anyone knows a place that carries them please shoot me a link, pm, or website name please.

Divers den has new spathulatas listed almost daily and in my experience, it is one of the more finicky Acros I've kept. I bought 2 spathulats frags about 2 months ago, one RTN'ed overnight for no apparent reason while the other has barely encrusted over the glue.
Second to the a. sarmentosa. Have had one for almost two years and just started to get the darn thing to base. Also, whatever the vivid rainbow acro is... man that thing has been a small turd for years I swear lol. Finally color and growth. :dance:
In my opinion A. Spathulata is one of the most difficult corals to keep. I'v had mine for 6 months now. It encrust's fine but I cant get it to color up. All my othe corals are very colorful, includining my, Plana, Hawkins echinada, blue monster tort, and my highlighter stag. I have a A. Microcladus aka strawberry shortcake acro that was once colorful, but it has now browned out.. Then again it was cut from a wild colony
Yeah they definitely have been challenging, although I'd love to grab one from Divers Den with the 50% success rate I've had, I cant justify the price. A 50% success rate is being optimistic too, while the one I still have has great color, I'm still questioning whether its grown or I'm just convincing myself it has.
For me, A. sarmentosa has always been a tough one to get established as have hoeks, though I have a turquoise one that was struggling a bit with STN when I got it and finally pulled through and is growing and encrusting.

+1 on Sarmentossa ive never had any real success the last one i tried started to stn after 2 days i fragged all the tips, they encrusted quite quickly, then promptly rtnd
I also am enamored with A. spathulata and have lost the 2 specimens I tried. I find A. monticulosa has a very similar growth form to A. spathulata and is not as quite as demanding, though I did eventually lose it after a couple months. Sadness. Will regroup and try again when I feel my tank is ready.

One of the most beautiful corals I lost was a gorgeous almost white with pink tips A. desalwii, though it arrived with the underside in rough shape shedding tissue. While beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder, krikey that one did it for me.
Hoeks for me, that one lasted maybe a week in my tank, never been able to hunt it down since, locally I should add, that was like 2007, lol....
My favorite acro is Spathulata where do these guys fall on that list. Funny the guy whos favorite acro is Spathulata doesn't own one =(. I have a hard time finding these guys, if anyone knows a place that carries them please shoot me a link, pm, or website name please.

Pacific east usually has some in. I have not owned one but from what I have read they require some crazy flow and very high light(even compared to other acro,s)