Harlequin Swimming patterns


New member
I just introduced my harlequin to my tank last night. i don't know their swimming patterns. trying to determine if there is a problem. he is swimming like a wrasse would, staying active. is this normal? he seems disillusioned or something and he didn't eat brine shrimp this morning. any suggestions
First HTusk and all Hog fish are Wrasse, so they will swim as they do. They're more out in the opening then what you normally see when you think of a "wrasse" type fish.

Brine shrimp isn't a good thing to be feeding it, as it has no nutritional
value, you need to get some Formular I or II, pieces of krill, shrimp, squid or clam. Some HTusk, specially ones that aren't from Aust. are more shy and don't alway feed right away.
Yes it is, as long as it's not cook it should be fine. You can also soak some of the food in vitamins to give it extra value but it's not needed.
First, don't feel bad if he didn't eat at first. Harley's can be shy at first. Brine shrimp is nearly useless nutrionally (think of it as fishy swimming popcorn) If he is only eating live then you can get him some "gut loaded" ghost shrimp, GL'd crayfish, or if not quite live...fresh market shrimp/squid/mussels. Offer and if he doesn't take it in 30 mins or less take it back out of the tank. Vitamin presoak is good as is adding garlic. Some fish dig garlic and some don't but it is worth a shot.