I'm still waiting for some copper heat sinks to arrive, before I can continue testing in earnest. My hope is that they'll allow the driver to push at least 2000ma without going into thermal "protection" mode, so dialing them in for a more modest 1400ma will make for a long service life. If I can get that, Ive got enough parts on hand to build 40 of them, so if you'd like to be a Beta tester, let me know and I'll send you a few to play with. Lol
I'm also working on a 5up driver PcB for "007Bond", but it's on hold until I can get the little LDD-H compatible Pcb sorted out. I'm going to apply "lessons learned" from the little driver to help perfect "007's" PcB design.
Here's another version that I'm working on too. I call it "the kitchen sink driver" Lol. It's not completed yet, I'm still trying to figure out what else I can cram in LOL, and then finalize placement of the components.(don't laugh-I'll get it all to fit eventually) :hammer:
Here's a list of what it's got so far-:lol: Let me know what you think?
1.) 5 independent A6211 drivers. Each driver with jumper selectable current settings. ( Don't worry 007, I'm gonna add this to yours too!)
2.) 1 MeanWell SCW05-12 Dc/Dc convertor for powering cooling fans, arduinos, ect.. (how cool is that? This alone makes everything else on the list possible )
3.) 1 5V regulator (a must have for the Atmega chip)
4.) 1 AtMega 328-au micro-controller.
5.) 1 DS1307 Real Time Clock
6.) 1 I2C connection w/ 5V and 1.8k Pull Up resistors already installed. ( for future expansion )
7.) 1 FTDI connection for programming access.