Head loss help ?????


New member
So i have 2 fluval sp 4's to use as dual returns. Before i do this plumbing job i would like to figure my aprox end gph. I plan to plumb everything with 1" pvc and it will go behind the back up and over the tank. I did some google research and the guidence i found there was that a 90 is equal to aprox 1ft of head loss? With one return feeding a manifold it will have at least 5 90s. In addition it will travel 5' to the top of tank.

How much head loss will i have? Looking for an overall 1700-2500 gph. If im under is there anyway to alleviate some head loss? Using 1-1/4" for the returns maybe?
If you go with the SP4's and 1-1/4" over the top, I am fairly confident you will achieve your desired flow range. The 1" might just make the lower end of your range, but I would increase to 1-1/4" for 850-1250 gph.