Hello Everybody..


Dr. Zooqi
Premium Member
Last time I got here was last August and did not realized how long it was. Time goes by fast when you are busy. I need to go to State college to see Sanjay soon to catch up with stuff.
Yes, I knew the swap was Saturday and had fishing tournament and worked the other half of the day. I could not come because I was scheduled to work at 3 pm. Good thing I did not because I was thinking the swap is at something fishy for some reasons.
So are you still in PA? There were rumors abound that included your rellocation to Florida. :)
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Yes I am and working to move south soon for the summer (myrtle beach) and back again end of the summer..
Hey Zooqi I went to the Swap for the first time it was great. I really enjoyed the speakers. Was wandering if you knew any coral farmers that are doing Mariculture. Something I was thinking of getting into.