Respectfully, if your main source of income is generating income from the following you mentioned, not to say you couldn't be successful in Florida, but this area is a very saturated market.
No doubt you would be able to penetrate through but your margins would be mostly affected.
From my experience on RC, the demographic sub forms with the highest activity of thread postings would logically be the highest area in demand.
However where there is high demand, there already is a high saturation in professional services.
It would be exciting for you to be successful in Florida but it will not be as easy as if you opened up shop elsewhere. (Same goes for southern CA).
Thinking larger picture. By all means you should set up shop where you are most comfortable, but don't rely on the surrounding local market to be your main supporter for your business. You should go in with a new established mind set of selling macro not micro and focus your intentions nationally.
Allot of people put down PETCO but the suppliers of online ordering PETCO are very smart. Let PETCO be the mule and do all the work creating the new business and you simply sit back and supply the livestock! Ride that brand equity for all its got.
You should focus toward the "newbie" masses, not the enthusiasts that know of many alternative options.
Related 2nd idea, you specialize in a species of very hardy livestock. You could always ship yourself and create an on-line store. Way cheaper than a physical store front. "Keep it small, keep it all!"
I wish you great luck, success & fortune!