Hello, Geezer coming back to this forum. Paul B

Thank you. I plan to widen that crack and lengthen it by about another 18". That I will fill with red epoxy and put a few LEDs behind it. It should look nice.
Thank you. I plan to widen that crack and lengthen it by about another 18". That I will fill with red epoxy and put a few LEDs behind it. It should look nice.
Sounds interesting!
I’m working on 1 also…
Yesterday I made some really nice Pesto. I have so much basil growing I wanted to use some of it before it got cold and rotted. :)

Yesterday I had a nice day. Subsea (Patrick) came to visit me from Texas. Of course he was here for a family thing and didn't travel thousands of miles just to see me but we had a nice visit. I showed him my tank and the neighborhood and beaches.

Then on our way back to his family's house I took him to a LFS where I bought a leather coral. The guy wanted $125.00 plus tax so I took out $110.00 cash and said, Look, I am here every week and I am a Veteran. I will take it now, no bag, no receipt and no nothing....Sold.

Naturally he put it in a plastic bag so I didn't have to put it in my pocket.

I got home and threw it in my tank (gently) and it is doing fine. :D
Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist for a tooth implant. I think this is my 10th implant but I don't think my dentist is very good. My wife likes him but I am the one with all the dental work. He started this implant probably 6 months ago. Like how long does this take? All the rest of them I had dome in a couple of months but I think this guy is still going to implant school.

I saw him in Home Depot yesterday buying tiny toggle bolts......... :oops:
Starting Thursday and going through October our town Library is featuring my Steam Punk "artwork" in their display cases which I have to fill up. They are about 16' long and 9' high. :D

6 months for an implant is what my dentist does also.
They want everything to heal properly.
I have never seen my dentist anywhere but his office, except when he stopped over & I gave him some frags.
On my morning walk yesterday I almost crashed into this huge spider net. I think it could catch a helicopter. :oops:

Spider web.JPG

I just came back from today's morning walk/run. I actually don't run, it's more of a Geezer jog but at my age no one goes very fast unless they are running from Nancy Pelosi. :anguished-face:

This is the farthest I have jogged since basic training over 50 years ago. Near the end of my 2 mile "run", I felt something exhilarating......I figured it was that runners "high" athletes speak about when they run for many miles. As I thought about it I realized it must have been that Harvey Wallbanger I drank before bed last night and think I may have just had a little gas. :rolleyes:
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