Hello, Geezer coming back to this forum. Paul B

Isn't it really hot there in Texas in the summer?

Reefing102. We don't go on those big cruise ships anymore and prefer the Windstar Cruises which are much smaller sailboats with 100 people. But they don't accept kids. Thats probably why we like it so much and if it was just the two of us, thats what we would do. We were in Tahiti and the Caribbean on it.

The last time I was on one of the commercial huge cruise ships I was praying for a torpedo to sink us. :oops: Way to crowded.
I do like Lake George and I can drive there. We have been there many times and I dove there a few times. That is a good suggestion and I will again look into it, Thanks. :D

Vinny, we can also drive to Pennsylvania and have been there often. Thats another good Idea. Thanks. :)
This little purple fish is nearing the end of his life. I don't even remember what kind of fish he is or how old he is but I think I have him from my last house and I moved here 5 years ago. I also think he was an adult when I got him.

He slowed down a lot and he is a little thin except for his stomach, sort of like me. His eyes are not as bright as they used to be but he still swims around and eats. He also has a few rips in his fins as his immune system can't repair it very fast now.
Small fish like this usually don't live to 10 years but I am not sure. I do know he is past his prime and maybe in a few weeks will disappear.

This is how all fish look when they are coming to the end of their lifespan. I think he will live a couple more months but thats about it.

purple fish.jpg
I am not sure what to do with my tank. Everything is healthy including unfortunately the photosynthetic sponge that is taking over everything. Nothing eats it.

I am afraid to change water because those new nutrients makes it grow faster but the lack of nutrients the tank has now due to the sponge removing everything from the water is having a negative effect on the corals which are all soft.

I trim it when it covers gorgonians and other corals but it exudes toxins when I do that.
I added "Phosguard" to remove silicates but that didn't seem to have much effect so I am still experimenting. This is a hard problem to correct and this will be my last tank so I don't want to remove everything and soak the rock in fresh water to try to kill the stuff. I am not even sure if that would work.

But this is an interesting situation that will keep me thinking for a long time. :)

File is to large I can't put the picture up. :oops:

There is an old Testament reading (6:12-16) that explains if you are generally seeking wisdom, then open your mind and heart and wisdom will seek you out and be found sitting by your front gate.

That is a little before my time (not much). Religion and science have a lot in common. Most of us believe all scientific principles come about from thought, assumptions, experiments, study, and then fact.

Science's main method is deduction. It moves in a precise and convincing fashion from general to specific.

The process of discovering some "fact" is based on solid starting "assumptions".

Science relies on a starting assumption. Not necessarily fact. Where do the assumptions come from?

Scientists use life experiences and detailed observations to guess at starting assumptions. But they are guesses and for the most part, can't be proven.

(Ref: James Magner MD)

Many Scientist "facts" in the past are no longer facts today. The GPS in your car would not function on Newtons "facts". It needed Einstein's input about space, light, time and hair styles to correct the "facts of the past. Although Newton was close and close was good enough at that time.

The "fact" that the Earth was flat turned out to be wrong. But it was a good theory because many times when a boat ventured out to far, it never returned so they figured it fell off the "face of the earth".

In reality what could have just as easily happened is that on those boats, half the sailors were hired rowers and the other half were boat owners. They all took part in rowing. But the hired people (maybe were Vegetarians) were mad that they were rowing as hard as the owners, but the owners were making more money. They didn't get along so the owners started rowing on one side and the hired people were on the other side.

After a loud argument, the hired people stopped rowing to spite the owners. So the boat just kept going around in circles until the batteries went dead on their I Phone-4s and they couldn't text so they got bored to death and jumped overboard. It's just as plausible as any other theory.

Galileo surmised that the Earth was not the center of the universe. The Pope wasn’t amused by that one at all and at the time, Popes didn’t have much of a sense of humor so he ex communicated poor Galileo and took away his free pass to the Venetian public aquarium.

Scientists today try to explain their "facts" but often fall short. They fumble through trying to explain gravity and it is all around us. They teach that the Earth has a solid iron core and it forms a giant molten magnet that attracts everything.

I am in my workshop and have plenty of magnets. So far, I have yet to find a magnet that would attract one of my fish that jumped out and rolled under my tank.

Scientists speak of the vastness of the un- ending universe. My mind can't envision that much space so I just believe that at the end of the universe there is a brick wall with tar paper on top. Beyond that there are Strawberry fields forever.

That assumption makes as much sense as any scientific theory.

Many scientific discoveries came about by accident. I can think of four off the top of my bald head. X Rays, Microwaves, safety glass and smoke detectors. . Darwin also surmised that life came about by accident in a primordial pond. So far, that has not been disproven.

I of course think life was brought here by Aliens. Bowlegged bald Aliens who were just bored and wanted to go to a disco. (Remember, this was a long time ago)

There is a term used by medical “experts” whereby the cause is deduced from the effective remedy. This term is called “ex juvantibus”

“If the patient fails to respond to a specific treatment, the cause of the illness is a different one”

(ref: Water Chemistry for Advanced Aquarists “Guido Huckstedt” )

In other words if a sick patient is treated with antibiotics, and doesn’t recover, the cause will probably not be bacterial.

What is the point of this discussion? The point is not everything we do in life, or reef aquariums will have a basis in scientific research. Much of it, like scientific research is guesswork, conjecture and yes, luck.
Thinking outside the box

Unfortunately there is this box. It is very comfortable and warm inside the box which is why almost everyone wants to stay and think inside the box. People inside the box all have much of the same ideas and ways of thinking and oddly enough many of the same problems that don't get resolved using the same methods that people inside the box have been using since the salt water hobby started in the United States in 1971. I think it was on a Tuesday about 2 or 2:30 in the afternoon. Even though many of the methods don't work, people still use those methods because the sides of the box are very hard so the information gets echoed all over the box and we hear the same wrong information over and over again. We can't help but to use those methods because that is whats inside that box. The box also gets a daily influx of Noobs and many times Noobs will try something and it will work. Of course they don't know that that thing has been done forty seven thousand times. Then that information bounces around the box and everyone in the box hears it and thinks that is the way to do that particular thing. So it is done over and over again and even though it worked once, and never works again, it is still done because eventually that Noob gets out of the hobby and goes on one of those "Getting out of the Hobby, everything for sale " threads, but his Ideas keep getting re-circulated. He goes on to colect stamps and becomes an accountant at Burger King where he becomes a manager of the French Fry cooker.

Many years ago there was no box. All we had was wide open spaces, Elvis, Marylin Monroe, bellbottoms and a lot of sky. There were also no methods so we had to find our own ways to do things. We had to experiment and in doing so we killed more fish than StarKist Tuna. There was only one salt water hobbiest per state and there was no internet and we didn't know each other so everyone was a researcher. When we bought a fish,no one knew anything about that fish except the fish itself and Jacues Cousteau and he wasn't talking. So if our tank got overcome with hair algae, we learned on our own how to deal with it. We grew enough algae to cover a 19 hole golf course, but eventually we overcame and eliminated the algae. Of course if we were inside the box we would learn that changing the water will help with that. But we, outside the box realize that never works so we didn't do that.

When our fish got parasites we quickly learned how to deal with that also. Again, if we were inside the box we would change the water , with the same result.

If a fish died, we learned through trial and error how to correct that situation. No, we didn't change the water or check our parameters. We had no test kits anyway so we had to rely on our common sense which worked out pretty well.

We also learned, on our own how to feed fish so they would never get sick. We found out that our fish were supposed to spawn all the time and if they didn't, they were not healthy and prone to diseases. We could have changed the water but knew that in the future there would be this box where everyone changed water all the time but still had numerous problems.

We never had a new fish that wouldn't eat because our tanks were natural and healthy, not sterile like a newly shampooed rug like many of the tanks inside the box.

Sometimes, after a while someone climbs outside of the box and in doing so trys to go against the fine folks inside the box. The people inside the box make fun of that person and say his (or her) Ideas can't work because it is just not done that way. If say that person uses a reverse undergravel filter, the laughter from inside the box will rise to a roar. If that person goes against biblical box knowledge and finds a way to keep fish healthy without quarantining, that roar will become a typhoon and the box will shake.

The box people will never accept those outside the box ideas because it is just not taught inside the box. Even if those outside of the box ideas are proven, they will never be taken seriousely, and more importantly if any of those ideas and methods are very cheap and easy to implement, forget about it, that person may as well take up collecting old shoes because he will be driven out of the fish hobby.

Now everyone knows there are some really nice tanks inside the box. Some tanks, everyone are jealous of so going outside the box is not for everyone. But history proves that all of the new, important, earth shattering or Awe inspiring events that happened were the result of thinking outside the box because if everyone always thought inside the box there would never be any improvement because the box doesn’t allow for it. Most Neanderthals thought inside the box which is the reason they walked around for thousands of years carrying sticks and little else. It took an outside the box thinker to invent a microwave so Neanderthals could throw away that stick and heat up a TV dinner. Eventually Neanderthals got taken over by Liberals who invented that box.
I am "kind of" winning the battle with the invasive sponge in my tank. I built this "injecting thing" so I can remotely inject vinegar into the sponge and it is having a pretty big impact.

Sponges hate vinegar, who knew? (I did read it on one of these forums but I forgot which one)

It takes a week or so but the spots I inject die about 3" around the injection spot. I do inject it multiple times in multiple places and I killed about a 6X6" sponge so far.

I am improving the injecting tool so it will last forever (hopefully) because now it is a bit delicate.

I will cut out the large projecting pieces of sponge and remove it but the part that is encrusting all over the rock is easier to inject because the rock prevents the needle from going completely through the thing.

This will take quite a while. :rolleyes: