Hello, Geezer coming back to this forum. Paul B

I didn't see the tank yet this morning and I won't be able to do much because I have a thousand "paper" cuts on my hands from the tiny tube worms on the rocks. :confused:

Today, if he is still alive I will bring that Koran Angel to a LFS and hope he takes it.
I had my diatom filter running all night for the fine particles floating all over which looks like powder.

Unless of course my fish are so annoyed at me that they are doing cocaine. I hope not. :oops:

I realized last night that there is nothing in the tank for my large, very old urchin to eat so I will get some clams and lettuce, his two favorite foods.

I also hope my 4 pipefish, 2 mandarins and 3 ruby reds find enough pods because the tank is really clean now. Much to clean but I had to do this to get all that sponge out and unfortunately, the algae and food sources went with it. I will throw a bunch of sinking pellets in there to feed the pods.

After I put the rocks and water back in I ran my Diatom filter 7 times to clean it up. I really don't know how people stay in this hobby without one. I could never survive.

I think I went through maybe 8 of them in the years I have been doing this.
It's getting there. I still have to add more rock (I have plenty left) and I have about a dozen gorgonians to glue back.

Tonight I made linguine and clams so my fish ate clams as did my urchin who doesn't know he is a vegan. :cool:



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Its getting there. I still have a lot more corals to glue and some rock and bottles to add. I also don't like the look of ASW so I will go down to the sea at low tide to collect some algae covered rocks to add diversity and give some food to my many pod eaters.
The tank is doing well. I just had my arms in it for an hour gluing gorgonians and leathers and "fixing" the rock which is very precarious and I am sure it will fall soon :sick:

I added more rock and still have a lot left over that probably won't go in.
Unfortunately I found a dead fish in the vat where I had the rock after I removed it from the tank. It was a cool looking gobi who must have hidden in a rock as I removed it. I didn't even know I had him. :(

All in all one fish lost isn't all that bad considering all the work I did to this tank yesterday.

It's still a little murky from my hands being in there just now.

Hi Paul!

I’m getting back in the hobby after a few years hiatus to take care of life stuff.

Great to see your witty style as I check in this forum again. How is the author if the best saltwater aquarium book ever written doing?
Hi Paul!

I’m getting back in the hobby after a few years hiatus to take care of life stuff.

Great to see your witty style as I check in this forum again. How is the author if the best saltwater aquarium book ever written doing?
Welcome back Pat
Montepora, Thank you. And remember I am blaming you for this because it was your idea that pushed me to do it. ;)
But but but....... you will thank me one day..... .😄😄😄 I would test the water and continue to do more water changes. You have been using NSW for a while and your LR might've absorbed a lot of silicate......................
OOOOhhhhhNNooo. Silicate...... I hate silicate........ I was going to name my first born after you, but Montepora Baldassano is a little long.
Besides, she is already in her 40s. :unsure:
OOOOhhhhhNNooo. Silicate...... I hate silicate........ I was going to name my first born after you, but Montepora Baldassano is a little long.
Besides, she is already in her 40s. :unsure:
I hear the courts allow for name changes for pretty much any reason nowadays
This morning I walked for the first time through the center of the golf course out my front door. It was 23 degrees.

Sun golf.JPG

Golf walk.JPG
