I think I posted this on here a few years ago. I used to go to work on the railroad with an older Gentleman, Jimmy and he was totally blind since he was 12 years old and lost his sight through glaucoma.
I would help him get around the train and Penn Station in Manhattan every day (but he could get around much better than me and my eyesight is perfect)
That man who is dead now taught me many things that I will never forget and changed my outlook about life in so many ways.
One day we were waiting for the train and he was holding my arm like he always did. After a while he said to me, "What did she look like?"
I said "Who?" He said "The beautiful lady that just walked by".
I asked "How do you know a beautiful lady walked by?"
"I could smell her" he said. I asked, how do you know she was good looking? He then said something that almost floored me.
He said that I (meaning me) was at a disadvantage because I could see everyone and know what they looked like. He said because he can't see, he pictures all the Ladies as beautiful.
He doesn't see black or white, acne, big noses, bad hair, wheelchair, limp or anything else. Just beautiful people. What a nice gift.
I thought that was such a deep thought and gained so much respect for a man I already had much respect for.
This man already in his late 60s went to the city on the subway every morning at 5:59 am, then at Penn Station changed to a city subway train to continue onto his job. He could have sat home and collected govt. assistance like many able bodied people do. (which I find disgusting)