Hello, Geezer coming back to this forum. Paul B

Just a wet, dark, cold morning walk. I never see anyone at this time, especially in the rain.
Rainy Morning.JPG

Wet outside my home.JPG
I found this in my old Log book and it wasn't easy. I started the log in 1971 and it goes to about 1992. I have a bunch of extensive notes and many things I am embarrassed to say I did because at that time, there were no Salt water fish medications so I used people meds usually not with good results. Look at some of the medications I used in 1975. :oops:

Log Book.jpg

I know,,,,Scary.

But this is how I say I cured HLLE on a French Angelfish


I wrote this in the 70s and barely remember it but HLLE on a French Angel would look really bad. (We didn't call it HLLE then. It was "Fading Color Disease")

I used Cod Liver Oil capsules. I would stick a pill with a pin and disperse a couple of drops of the oil on the surface after I shut off the pumps. It would make a slick on the entire tank and will be absorbed in flake food. Flakes are something I would never feed except for this treatment.

You can take this "cure" as you like. :D
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Very foggy morning. I noticed this crane in a pond across the street from me in the golf course looking for fish. With all the bullfrogs and turtles in that pond the only things in there are golf balls.
The bird is huge, I thought it was an Emu. I took this picture from pretty far away because I was afraid he would pick me up and carry me back to feed his kids.